Re: [Cz-L] The forename 'Muniu' ? and other subjects

From: yosi-jerry <>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 18:09:02 +0200
To: Berti Glaubach <>, jerome schatten <>
Reply-To: yosi-jerry <>

1. The Roman letter "J" is pronounced in the German alphabet as "Yot"
therefore everybody from back home (family and friends) pronounce my name
Jerry as Yerry. My father's Name was Oscar but my mother called him Osiu (a
common practice called in German "Verzierungsnamen").
2. As for students marching. In 1944 we lived on Universitaetsgasse 9 (ecke
Tomasczukgasse) just across the University complex. I don't know if what I'm
going to tell applies to all the students but what I saw from our balcony on
the second floor was marching groups arriving every morning and leaving
every afternoon singing patriotic songs like "Strana moya", "Tri tankista",
"Boy za rodiniu, boy za stalinu", etc..
3. As for the "Bierstubbe" on Austriaplatz which advertises the "Gambrinus"
beer, but also advertises the local "Beresa" beer of which our extended
family were the distributors.
 Yosef Eshet (Jerry Wolf)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Berti Glaubach" <>
To: "jerome schatten" <>
Cc: "czernowitz-L" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] The forename 'Muniu' ?

> Should most probably be written with "j" by German speakers because of
> the vowel following (u).
> J like in Ja not ia, jeh not ieh, Johann not Iohann, Julius not Iulius
> etc.
> Origin not sure, may be Moshe =>Moritz =>Munju, or Schlomo => Salomon
> => Moni or Muniu.
> Or other?
> Berti.

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