RE: [Cz-L] After WW1

From: Irene Fishler <>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 23:33:13 +0200
To: "'HARDY BREIER'" <HARDY3_at_BEZEQINT.NET>, "'Miriam Taylor'" <>,
Reply-To: Irene Fishler <>


Out of the blue of "Sinagoge Gasse9" came Mimi's comments on events
following WW1 and then your question:

( I tried to make some order in the chaos by changing the subject -line)


----- Original Message -----

Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Sinagoge Gasse 9/ WW1 and Austrian army

How did the Rumanians get a majority then ?

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Sinagoge Gasse 9/ WW1 and Austrian army

At the end of the war, a plebiscite was held in Czernowitz, and the
consisting mainly of Ruthenians (Ukrainian subgroup) and Jews,
voted overwhelmingly against annexation to Romania.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 8:39 PM
To: Irene Fishler; 'Miriam Taylor';
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] After WW1 and Austrian army

I showed a picture of post WW2 Soviet rule life conditions and attributed
this to the Jewish mass exodus.
   Somehow, without any cause , the discussion was transferred to 1918.
    Different time , different story.
    Out of the blue.
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