Re: [Cz-L] FW:Prof. Zwi Yaavets Passed away - My former schoolmate and our "Mister Czernowitz"

From: CHEMLA Anny <>
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2013 18:31:28 +0000
Reply-To: CHEMLA Anny <>
To: Miriam Taylor <>, Abraham Kogan <>

[Plain text please... thanks]

Dear Abraham and all =0A=C2=A0=0AI am really sad to read that Mr Yaavets pa=
ssed away, he was to my=C2=A0mother Frederike (Rica)=C2=A0Strominger Schaef=
er=C2=A0a very dear friend, I have his book in hebreu, please send to his f=
amily my "condoleances" in french ,=C2=A0qu'il repose en paix.=0A=C2=A0=0AI=
 knew him=C2=A0when I lived in Israel and last time I talked to him was=C2=
=A0last year.=0A=C2=A0=0AAll the best to all,=0A=C2=A0=0Asincerely Anny Sch=
aefer Chemla Paris France=0A=C2=A0=C2=A0=0A=0A=0A__________________________=
______=0ADe=C2=A0: Miriam Taylor <>=0A=C3=80=C2=A0: Abr=
aham Kogan <> =0ACc=C2=A0: =
=0AEnvoy=C3=A9 le : Mardi 8 janvier 2013 16h49=0AObjet=C2=A0: Re: [Cz-L] FW=
:Prof. Zwi Yaavets Passed away - My former schoolmate and our "Mister Czern=
owitz"=0A=0AThank you Florence and Abraham, for letting us know.=0AZvi Yave=
tz was a worthy Czernowitzer, a person, we can be proud=0Ato to be associat=
ed with, even if very, very remotely.=0A=0AI highly recommend that those wh=
o know German, read his book=0A" Erinnerungen an Czernowitz". Unfortunately=
 I do not know whether=0Ait has been translated into English.=0A=0AFlorence=
 and Abraham, if you are in contact with the Yavetz family,=0Aplease send t=
hem condolences from the "Czernowitz-List",=0A=0AMimi
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