[Cz-L] Medicine in Czernowitz Maccabi, Restitution

From: E. & G. Weissmann <EGWeissmann_at_gmx.net>
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2013 12:26:19 +0100
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History digest <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-To: "E. & G. Weissmann" <EGWeissmann_at_gmx.net>

Andy is right in praising medicine before the war. The doctors were
mainly Jewish and they had studied in Vienna, Prague, italy or somewhere
else, as there was no medical school in town. So they had excellent
training and had a heart, too. Remember the paediatrician Dr. Wiesenthal?
Today, Serah Kraft speaks of her mother and family having studied
medicine- where - in post-war Czernowitz? It would be interesting to know.

My mother had been an enthusiastic member of Maccabi, she was
goal-keeper at basket-ball, 100m running, etc.. Long time ago. Among the
others were Beate Friedman, later in Romania she became a great and
famous actress, changed her name to Fredanov, in the later years
emigrated to Düsseldorf.

Years ago I inquired at a Czernowitz lawyer who spoke German about
restitution. He was adamant that the Ukrainians will never never give
anything back. Following your discussion, I start believing that things
might change in time and history, but am rather sceptical.

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