Re: [Cz-L] To all list members

From: Sylvia de Swaan <>
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2013 19:44:05 -0500
Reply-To: Sylvia de Swaan <>

Dear all - I for myself think that this tempest in our teapot has to
do with the phase of the moon and that asteroid that came within 17200
miles of Earth, creating tensions and havoc and argy bargies in many
parts of the world. In any group/community there is potential for
misunderstanding and hurt feelings & I myself have had my feelings
hurt at least a couple of times, when my very occasional post has
been brushed off as irrelevant - I especially remember, when as if by
miracle a photo of my parents materialized from Hardy's news feed and
I was so EXCITED - I said, those are my parents!! - but a couple of
you made some snide remark and nobody stopped to consider how
important that can be to somebody who hasn't been able to retain as
much of their personal history from before the war as some of you
have. But I'm here not to be a member of a club but to tap into a
collective history as it serves my work and about which I wrote you
last week inviting some of you to collaborate....

I think that when things chill down Hardy will want to come back -
because what does a story
teller/poet/joker/photo researcher/& hyper social person do without an
audience that understands the nuances of what he's talking about?.....
& maybe everyone will have learned something from this episode......

plus there are more crucial things happening on the planet that
require ones attention

love to all


On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 8:57 AM, HARDY BREIER <> wrote:
> Dear friends ,
> Because of reasons beyond my understanding some of my mails are being
> monitored by the moderator.
> They are wiped out and dont reach you.
> The moderator says the language I use is offending.
> Off topic and very offending.
> I would let you decide on this but it is his list
> and he can do whatever he finds right.
> I therefore stop writing to the list .
> I will write only to people who wish to get my mail.
> Write me.
> I will accept in any language used in Czernowitz and arounds.
> Also pictures ,presentations ( no more links) anything.
> On any topic you wish.
> Hardy

-- - Insight Out
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