RE: [Cz-L] New Year

From: Anna Kofner <>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 09:47:39 -0400
To: "" <>, Shelley <>, "" <>
Reply-To: Anna Kofner <>

[Plain text next time --thanks]

Dear Czerniwitzers=0A=
Wishing you all a Happy=2C Healthy=2C Joyous and Peaceful New Year.=0A=
This Rosh Hashanna celebration will be very special in my house. My daughte=
r-in-law's grandmother Rivka Kilimaher will be joining us.=0A=
Safta Rivka=2C or like my grandchildren call her=2C Supersafta=2C is 91 yea=
rs old and traveled from Haifa for her older great-grandson Bar Mitzva=0A=
a week ago. Last year we celebrated her 90th Birthday with 11 great grand c=
hildren running around (number 12 is expected come Passover). She is alert=
=2C always smiling=2C loving and lovely. A native of Khotin=2C she=2C toget=
her with her mother=2C sister and younger brother=2C entered Transnistria i=
n the very beginning of the war and lived to tell the story. She married af=
ter the end of the war=2C went to Romania=2C had two daughters and then=2C=
 again with the whole family=2C they made aliya to Israel.Rivka in her own =
quiet way teaches us by her own example to be positive=2C loving and forgiv=
ing and find happiness in everyday things.=0A=
My son and his wife (both sabras with Czernowitz roots) met in Cornell and =
the rest is History!=0A=
Again=2C May we all have a wonderful=3B sweet year.=0A=
So=2C from our extended family to all of you=0A=
Shannah Tovah U'metuka!=0A=
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Cz-L] New Year=0A=
> Date: Tue=2C 23 Sep 2014 11:15:44 +0300=0A=
> =0A=
> I agree to be inscribed sealed and mailed=0A=
> Whatever it takes=2C=0A=
> May your wishes come thru !=0A=
> Hardy=0A=
> =0A=
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