Re: [Cz-L] What has happened to the List emails?

From: Jewish Czernowitz-Bukowina Discussion Group <>
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 06:54:01 +0300
To: "iosif vaisman" <>, "Bruce Reisch" <>

The new display does not show the sender in the "From".
Most important info of any mail !!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jewish Czernowitz-Bukowina Discussion Group"
To: "Bruce Reisch" <>
Cc: "CZERNOWITZ-L" <>; "David Glynn"
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2014 5:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] What has happened to the List emails?

> Hi Bruce,
> for me the new header arrangement is a very significant inconvenience.
> Unfortunately, gmail does not allow to display "Reply-to" line instead
> of "From" line, which makes managing list messages reading very
> difficult. Even worse is that gmail box can be searched by the field
> "From", but not by the field "Reply-to", which will hinder search for
> old messages by sender. In short, a large part of the list
> functionality is lost with the new settings.
> Best,
> Iosif
> On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 9:09 PM, Jewish Czernowitz-Bukowina Discussion
> Group <> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> A problem cropped up last week with a message that Fred Weisinger sent to
>> the list. His email was rejected by most of our subscriber's email
>> providers, so relatively few got to see Fred's email. The apparent cause
>> of the problem was the fact that Fred's email showed his email address in
>> the "From" column (. . ., but the email didn't originate from
>> a
>> email server. Instead, it was sent out by a Cornell University
>> email server. This seems to be a sign of a possible "spam" message, and
>> at this time the message rejections appear to be limited to emails from
>> yahoo email users. I expect that this might spread further beyond yahoo
>> email addresses, but wanting to give Fred a fair chance to post (and two
>> more of his messages just went out moments ago), I changed the From line
>> to show that this message, originating from a Cornell U. server, comes
>> from a email address.
>> The many subscribers who receive messages in the form of a single daily
>> digest have always had a "From" column indicating that the message
>> originated from the Czernowitz-List - not an individual.
>> Since hitting the "Reply" button will still send your response back to
>> the
>> individual poster, you still need to press "Reply All" if you'd like your
>> reply to go to the entire list. That much hasn't changed.
>> If this turns out to be a big problem, I'll look for another solution,
>> but
>> this is the only solution I have right now.
>> Bruce
>> On 5/4/14 19:43, "Jewish Czernowitz-Bukowina Discussion Group"
>> <> wrote:
>>>Since yesterday all the List emails appear in my email program with
>>>Czernowitz-Bukowina Discussion Group2 appearing in the 3From2 column.
>>>Previously, the 3From2 column contained the actual sender of the email,
>>>3cornel fleming2, 3Merle Kastner2, 3HARDY BRIER2.
>>>This is a really unhelpful change, as I can no longer tell who has sent
>>>email until I open it. This makes it much more difficult to manage the
>>>Can we go back to the old arrangement please?
>>>Best wishes to all,

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