Re: RE: [Cz-L] Independence Day_ Israel Prize_to former Czernowitzers (Bukowiners)

From: <>
Date: Thu, 08 May 2014 10:13:56 +0300
To: Irene Fishler <>

It is interesting that he was a coworker of the late prof. Reuven Feuerstein, who deceased a couple of weeks ago at the age of 93, on providing supportive actions for children that are in need of special education. I suggest you google both him and prof. Feuerstein (who was his brother in law) and learn a bit about the wonderful achievements in helping such kids. Feuerstein too received the Israel Science Prize for his achievements, but , with respect to our interests - he is not a "mayflower" Czernowitzer - "just" a plain Botoshaner "Regatler"... Amazingly, they too were capable of achievements... (Apropos Hardy's message of today)
(Need to admit that I know prof. Feuerstein, since he was the uncle of my brother in law).
Another interesting item about prof. Rand is that he is the father of the - now (khozer bitshuva) - orthodox-religious screen actor (also script-writer, composer, and singer) Shuli Rand, who achieved special acclaim in the movie "Ushpizin" (the welcome visitors to the succah).


----- Original Message -----
From: Irene Fishler <>
Date: Thursday, May 8, 2014 0:21
Subject: RE: [Cz-L] Independence Day_ Israel Prize_to former Czernowitzers (Bukowiners)

> Thanks Bruce, Hardy, Mimi,
> I thought : if Zvi Yavetz said something, then it must be true .
> ( thanks to
> Oren)
> Now, I have found one more interesting personality (#14) ,
> who received the
> Israel Prize in 2001, in education /psychology.
> Prof. Yaakov ( Yaacov) RAND was born in 1926 ,in Rumania, in an
> undisclosedlocality.
> But, he is a direct descendent of the Hassidic Ruzhin Dynasty.
> He is also a
> chazzan.
> The site in Hebrew put him on the remarkable
> people's list.
> Who can tell us more about him?
> Best wishes
> Irene
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