Hi Mimi
Thanks for the information
Historical records I accessed only have the date of ghetto creation but it's closure
My families name was Linker our flat was OK but subsequently when a Rumanian from the regat visited our flat to buy my mothers fur coat he requisitioned our flat and we had to move
Sent from my iPhone
Maurice Linker
Tel 0293631399 Mob 0410808599
Preferred email : linkerm_at_ieee.org
> On 25 May 2014, at 4:46 am, Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu> wrote:
> Hello Maurice,
> The Germans did not intervene much in what the Romanians did during WW2.
> They were amazed at how disorganized the Romanians were and left them
> to do as they pleased.
> I do not know whether Antonescu was bribed by the Jewish leadership in Bucuresti,
> to let Popovici proceed with giving permission to stay, to so many Czernowitz Jews.
> As to the ghetto and permission to leave it: The ghetto lasted for 9 weeks.
> It was established on Oct. 11, 1941 and closed in early December.
> Popovici permits were issued in alphabetical order of surnames;
> two consecutive letters on each day.
> I have my family's Popovici permit. It was issued on Nov. 27th, 1941
> and is signed by both mayor Popovici and the delegate
> of the provincial government of Bucovina, Major Iliescu.
> My family name was Reifer, on Nov. 27th permits were issued to people
> who's name started with the letters "R" or "S".
> From this I deduct that it only took about 3 or 4 days to hand out all the rest
> of the permits and that by Dec. 4th 1941, the ghetto was dissolved.
> Then people could return to their previous residences, if these had
> in the meantime not been taken over by Romanians.
> My family was not so lucky, a Czernowitz Romanian family by the name of Grecu
> had moved into the house we had been renting on the Blumengasse.
> Mimi
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