Yes Yosef,
very sad songs indeed.
In fact all songs in Polish make me sad.
As I dont uderstand Polish it must be in the melody.
All are tangos and the languid melodies bring tears to my eyes,
In fact ,after my cataract operations ,
everything brings tears to my eyes,
So we have English , a very optimistic language , what we need now:
Here is an example :
Perry Como sings Chi-Baba:
----- Original Message -----
From: "iosif vaisman" <>
To: "czernowitz-L" <>
Cc: "Hardy Breier" <>
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2014 9:08 AM
Subject: Gloomy and other sad Sundays
> In the pre-war Europe many people must have sensed that something bad
> is about to happen, and another sad "Sunday" tango competed in
> popularity with the Rezső Seress' "Gloomy Sunday". Written in the same
> year (1933), Jerzy Petersburski's poignant "The Last Sunday" was
> translated into several languages and admired in many countries.
> Here it is with the original Polish lyrics by Zenon Friedwald
> ("Ostatnia niedziela") performed by Mieczysław Fogg -
> Translated into Hebrew by Israel Biderman and performed by Ben Lewi
> (better known as Adam Aston). The Hebrew title is "ha-Shabat
> ha-aharoni" (The Last Shabbat) -
> The Yiddish version ("Letstikn shabes", translation by Avishai Fisz)
> is performed by Olga Mieleszczuk and Mendy Cahan -
> The Russian version (lyrics by Iosif Alvek) is a perennial hit until
> this day, here is the first recording by Pavel Mikhailov (1937) -
> To bring this story closer to the scope of this list, we can recall
> that two great Bukovinian poets used the trope of a tango foreboding a
> war and destruction in their most famous poems. The first version of
> Celan's "Todesfuge" was titled "Todestango", and the first
> publication (in Romanian translation by Petre Solomon) is "Tangoul
> Mortii".
> Dan Pagis, who was born in Radautz in 1930 and spent the war years in
> a Transnistrian ghetto, started his, perhaps most important collection
> of poems "Sealed Railcar" with a poem "Eropa, me'uhar" ("Europe,
> late"). Here it is in the original and English translation by Stephen
> Mitchell:
> אירופה, מאוחר
> בשמים פורחים כנורות
> ומגבעת של קש. סלחי לי, מה השנה?
> שלושים ותשע וחצי, בערך, עוד מֻקדם מֻקדם,
> אפשר לסגור את הרדיו,
> נא להכיר: זאת רוח הים, הרוח החיה של הַטַּיֶּלֶת,
> שובבה להפליא,
> מסחררת שמלות פעמון, טופחת
> על פני עתונים מודאגים: טנגו! טנגו!
> וגן העיר מתנגן לו,
> אני נושק ידך, מדאם,
> ידך העדינה כמו
> כְּסָיַת העור הלבנה,
> הכל יבוא על מקומו
> בחלום,
> אל תדאגי כל כך, מדאם,
> כאן לעולם זה לא יקרה,
> את עוד תראי,
> כאן לעולם
> Europe, Late
> Violins float in the sky,
> and a straw hat. I beg your pardon,
> what year is it?
> Thirty-nine and a half, still awfully early,
> you can turn off the radio.
> I would like to introduce you to:
> the sea breeze, the life of the party,
> terribly mischievous,
> whirling in a bell-skirt, slapping down
> the worried newspapers: Tango! Tango!
> And the park hums to itself:
> I kiss your dainty hand, madame,
> your hand as soft and elegant
> as a white suede glove. You'll see, madame,
> that everything will be all right,
> just heavenly - you wait and see.
> No it could never happen here,
> don't worry so - you'll see - it could
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