תשובה: [Cz-L] A very short and unreliable History of the Bucovina

From: Hardy Breier <hardy3_at_bezeqint.net>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 09:38:56 -0700
To: "'Hardy Breier'" <hardy3_at_bezeqint.net>, "'Czernowitz Genealogy and History'" <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-To: "Hardy Breier" <hardy3_at_bezeqint.net>

Smuglianka . Swarthy girl,

Song ltyics:
Once upon a summer dawn,
I looked into next-door’s garden.
There she is, a dark Moldovan
Girl gathering up grapes.
I grow red and I grow pale,
Suddenly want to tell her:
“Let’s stand by the river

-----הודעה מקורית-----
מאת: bounce-118202997-3499476_at_list.cornell.edu
[mailto:bounce-118202997-3499476_at_list.cornell.edu] בשם Hardy Breier
נשלח: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 6:39 AM
אל: Czernowitz Genealogy and History
נושא: [Cz-L] A very short and unreliable History of the Bucovina

At the Molotov Ribentropp agreement the Russian demanded the return
of Bessarabia which was Ekaterinas wine garden for many years and lost
In WW1 peace treaty and as compensatiom a chunk of Bukovina.
 A line was drawn at Siret and the maps were issued to the forward tank
  The young officer heading the column understood thit the follows the Prut
 all the way.
    Thus he took over the Hertza enclave North of the Prut which was
    Rumania. Today Hertza is Ukraina. Population Rumanian.
     Because a tank scout couldn't read maps.


  A song Russian of a Moldovan (Bassarabia) girl who collects grapes.
    What is Smuglianka I will tell you next time.
      After I look [it] up.
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