About converted Jews.
I'd like to express my opinion. Jews converted either for survival, careers
and mostly in countries where assimilation was necessary or en vogue, as in
the US today, where Jews either marry Christians or become Muslims (that's
certainly en vogue now). Many Jewish youth find it difficult to either
study or be identified as Jews being =3D Israel, in most Universities in th=
USA and the UK. This is neither surprising nor is it new. Mahler became
became Christian in order to become musical director of the Vienna opera or
orchestra, Heine changed his religion, his books were still burned by the
Nazis. It is and always was difficult to be a Jew.
I'm reading a book by Edmund du Waal "The Hare with the Amber Eyes", It's a
family biography fascinatingly written. He describes Paris in the IXs and
Vienna in the XXs Century of the very very rich and ostentatious Jews and
how quickly their status changes from being admired to being "discredited"
as a Jew.
In Germany, when Hitler's grandmother became law, many Jews who had no idea
that somewhere a grandmother was born Jewish, had to suffer the plight
of suddenly being Jewish. It is very difficult, even nowadays in mixed
marriages to keep both religions alive however much one tries, the children
have their choices and in the end, I guess, they choose to swim with the
stream and not against it. Many found their Jewish inheritance when
convenient, like in Russia, they brought their culture with them to Israel
as did all the immigrants from Germany, Poland, Rumania, Yemen, Maroco
Ethiopia and all other immigrants. We all built this society called Israeli
where Jews feel free to be Jews and some of the young, who have never known
life in the diaspora, want to try change, maybe one has to experience life
Have a good week wherever you are, anny
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 12:17 AM, Merle Kastner <merlek_at_bell.net> wrote:
> Hi Cornel,
> There has always been speculation that the red-haired Jews were by-produc=
> of the Viking conquests in Europe...
> Merle
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "cornel fleming" <cornel.fleming_at_virgin.net>
> To: "'Miriam Taylor'" <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>; "'Hardy Breier'"
> <hardy3_at_bezeqint.net>
> Cc: "'Czernowitz Genealogy and History'" <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 12:27 PM
> Subject: RE: =D7=AA=D7=A9=D7=95=D7=91=D7=94: [Cz-L] Converted Jews
> Mimi...there were blond and blue-eyed Jews in biblical times,as well as
> red-haired ones. Some typical Polish Jews produced such offspring in Isra=
> too...it,s called genetics!! Cornel
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