I think what we are all saying is not incompatible. I have always
been averse to people - any people - being lumped together as if they
ALL act in lockstep. I think it's fair to say that today
anti-Semitism is at an all-time high the world over. That is a
generalization. But I believe that no neighborhood, not even in
Bukovina, is everyone of one mind. And if that neighborhood is, the
next one isn't. There is official anti-Semitism and individual
anti-Semitism. There is official racism and individual racism.
Politics often follows the majority view but not everyone's view. You
see that in America as well as anyplace. We have to differentiate the
individual from the various groups. Mimi has seen good and others
have seen bad.
But people, unless they are ignorant and kept ignorant, are more
complex. The past was more black and white to those who lived through
it. While some Ukrainians killed my family in Delaytn, and state so
in writing to me (the Ukrainian Red Cross), I'm sure there must have
been Ukrainians who hid Jews. If you speak of official policy or a
wide-spread views, it should be enunciated that way. But we should
always remember that there are decent people everywhere (or almost
everywhere). Unfortunately, in today's world, children are
indoctrinated with ignorance and propaganda at an early age so today a
situation looks more black and white.
On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 2:57 PM, Anna Kofner <akofner_at_hotmail.com> wrote:
> Dear All
> The strength of the of Jews as a people are in their collective memory. You are trying to prove that the situation improved. I still believe it is just different. There are many faces of antisemitism and not all of them are ugly. What you are telling me that it is better than it was. But remembering the things that happened not even 100 years ago, it is not good enough for me. The Jews in Germany and Austria including some of you and your family learned it the heard way. Don't think for a second that your families did not know their Ukrainian neighbors. They could not predict Hitler, but Hitler knew were he will find willing collaborators and it wasn't Denmark.
> In Stalin's times a colleague of mine, an actor was incarcerated for calling somebody a "Zhid".
> Stalin and his party were against Antisemitism (They only fought the Zionists, traitors, Jewish Doctors etc..). In today Ukraine however it became an official word. Here is a last year post. I believe everybody is familiar with the word "Zhid"
> Mila Kunis is the target of an anti-Semitic attack unleashed by a Ukrainian politician.
> Ukrainian lawmaker Igor Miroshnichenko targeted Kunis in an anti-Semitic Facebook post saying that the actress is not a true Ukrainian because she is a "zhydovka," according to TMZ. The term "zhydovka," which translates roughly to "dirty Jewess," has been used as a slur against Jewish people since at least the time of the Holocaust..
> The Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, a global Jewish human rights organization that confronts anti-Semitism, hate and terrorism, has come to Kunis' defense in a letter to the Ukrainian prime minister, according to TMZ. In the letter, Rabbis Marvin Hier and Abraham Cooper express their "outrage and indignation" and say Kunis is owed an apology.
> The slur is laced with historic anti-Semitism. “The last time this term was used in any official way was during the Nazi occupation, when the Jews or ‘Zhyds' of Kiev were ordered to convene in preparation for their mass murder at Babi Yar,” Eduard Dolinsky, director of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee, told Jewish news entity JTA. “The Justice Ministry and politicians should adjust their definitions and language according to what Ukrainian Jews consider offensive, and we find the word ‘zhyd’ to be just that."
> "The temperature around this discussion is rising," he added, saying that the Jewish community in Ukraine is “highly concerned” by how “anti-Semitic speech is becoming more prevalent in Ukraine, especially online.”
> Jewish activists have petitioned the ministry to prevent right-wing nationalists from using the slur "zhyd" or its feminine derivative "zhydovka," according to the Times of Israel.
> The petition, however, failed. The ministry cited a Ukrainian academic dictionary to state that the term "zhyd" is merely an archaic term for "Jew" and not necessarily a slur, according to the Time of Israel. The ministry did admit that "Jew" should not be used in official government communications.
> I hope this will clarify where I came from.
> as for the prominence of some of the of the officials who are Jewish, we remember that through centuries in different countries Individual of Jewish origin would rise and than.....
> Keeping Ukraine "Ukrainian" is all the evidence I personally need.
> I respectfully suggest we all agree to disagree. We are all entitled to our opinion. History is the best judge. For The few Jewish people left there and for the sake of our beloved place of birth, I do hope you will right.
> Shalom to you all.
> Channa
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