Re: [Cz-L] Ukraine

From: Hardy Breier <>
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2014 03:59:21 +0500
To: "'alexander rosner'" <>, "'cornel fleming'" <>, "'Anna Kofner'" <>, <>
Reply-To: Hardy Breier <>

If this is so , very soon columns of Jews from the West will
move in masses to the East.
 Hundreds new Hessed Shoshanas will have to be created !
Glorious times ! Will we still see it ?

-----הודעה מקורית-----
מאת: alexander rosner []
נשלח: Friday, October 31, 2014 6:47 PM
אל: cornel fleming; 'Hardy Breier'; 'Anna Kofner';
נושא: Re: [Cz-L] Ukraine

Hi all,
last night there was a panel discussion "Russia-Ukraine conflict and the
civil society" in a lecture hall of the Cologne University, moderated by a
former director of WDR (West German Broadcasting).
The participants were:
Yosif Zisels - the president of the association of Jewish organizations in
the Ukraine
Refat Chubarov - the Chairman of the Mejlis (the highest
executive-representative body)of the Crimean Tatar People
Anton Nosik - blogger and internet pioneer in Russia and Israel, founder of
several internet newspapers, like
Among the discussed topics was also the situation for Jew in the Ukraine
nowadays, the situation for Crimean Tatars.
Zisels told the auditorium that today Jews and Crimean Tatars are considered
by the majority of the Ukrainian public as their closest allies.
Much more difficult is the situation for the Crimean Tatars, which got the
status of indigenous people by the Ukrainian Government, but are denied
several previously acquired rights now by the Russians.

These 3 participants were also present the night before in the Jewish
Community where Zisels spoke more about Jews in the Ukraine and I got the
impression that Ukraine exhibits far less Anti-Semitism, than several
countries in Western Europe.
We should not be taken in by Russian propaganda regarding this. It is known,
that there is a department with huge budget which pays bloggers,
journalists, etc. to write articles in the line of the Russian government
policy. This year this budget doubled.

> cornel fleming <> schrieb am 12:26 Freitag,
31.Oktober 2014:
> > Hardy,it is important because it shows that in today's world voting for
> anti-semitic and xenophobic political parties is far higher in some
> nations than in Ukraine. Cornel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hardy Breier []
> Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 1:09 PM
> To: 'cornel fleming'; 'Anna Kofner';
> Subject: תשובה: [Cz-L] Ukraine
> Cornel,
> You fight for every fraction of a percent of the returns of the Svoboda
> party.
> To prove us how the love of the Ukraineans towards the Jews increases
> each passing days.
> Why is this so important ?
> Hardy
> -----הודעה מקורית-----
> מאת:
> [] בשם cornel fleming
> נשלח: Friday, October 31, 2014 2:30 AM
> אל: 'Anna Kofner';;
> נושא: RE: [Cz-L] Ukraine
> [Cornel, Anna, you have both slipped out of plain text --your moderators]
> Hi! Additional computer tells me that Svoboda got 1.14% of =
> votes. Not exactly a huge figure. Cornel
> =20
> From: Anna Kofner []=20
> Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 6:21 PM
> To: Cornel Fleming;;
> Subject: RE: [Cz-L] Ukraine
> =20
> Cornell the results were finalized only yesterday. The only party that =
> not make it is Communist party. Svoboda took a big cut but is still in
> thanks to West Ukrainian regions.=20
> I remember attending a seminar in George Washington University a while =
> dedicated to the anniversary of Arab Spring, where the leading authority =
> on Middle East compared the Muslim Brotherhood to Salvation Army tried to
> convince us that that is all what they are. When a colleague of mine =
> Jewish, actually a catholic) questioned this statement he dismissed it. =
> Six months later she wrote to the coordinator suggesting that in view of
> latest developments he should at least send a retraction of his oppinion =
> I am attaching a link from the Guardian (thank G-d no need to =
> translate)
> that is more informative and realistic
> =20
> on-
> russia=20
> =20
> Lastly, latest fundraising from Jewish Federation list this among =
> causes. I copy "Provide an elderly Jew under attack in Ukraine with =
> heating fuel, warm blankets and winter relief"
> Thought you all would like to know.
> Channa=20
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