Re: [Cz-L] Samuel del Campo's Rescue Operation in Czernowitz

From: <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 19:06:26 +0200
To: Edgar Hauster <>
Reply-To: <>

. No. I was unaware of this saving operation but this reminded me of anothe=
r similar operation (I do not know how many Polish Jews were involved(
My uncle had a curtain weaving factory on the Russische gasse, which was of=
 course nationalized and transferred to a Romanian owner, but my uncle was =
the "meister" of the factory, so he obtained a lot of Popovici authorizatio=
ns for the previous workers who were thus saved from Transnistria. He also =
included a lot of other "absolutely necessary" workers that he recruited fr=
om amongst friends and relatives. My father was 0ne of them and he was in c=
harge of the warehouse, with long troughs, in which workers checked the lon=
g woven curtain cloth, cut out failed lengths, and created
bales of the good stuff.
I am not sure of the exact period - very likely in end of 1941 and begin of=
 1942 a number of Polish Jews escaped from Poland and reached Czernowitz, a=
nd were directed to temporary shelters until they could be sent "over the b=
order" to Romania proper (I suppose helped by some heavy bakshish to the "s=
hippers"). One of these shelters was the warehouse, and the escapees were l=
ying hidden in the troughs, under the curtains, throughout the day - the wo=
rkers were quite careful not to unveil them while checking the stuff. At ni=
ght they could get out into the warehouse (dark, of course) , eat and use t=
he facilities.
I recall that as an 8-9 year old I was bringing at noon a lot of food to my=
 father - that only quite a number of fathers could consume. It was of cour=
se for the refugees, for the few days and - or rather nights, that they sta=
yed there. . Surprisingly or not there were no "tongues" amongst the worker=
s, although everyone knew the mortal danger to all if the situation were di=
Several years later I met one of those escapees in Israel, and we happily r=
ecollected this period.


----- הודעה מקורית -----
מאת: Edgar Hauster <>
תאריך: Monday, October 5, 2015 18:04
נושא: [Cz-L] Samuel del Campo's Rescue Operation in Czernowitz
אל: Czernowitz Discussion Group <>

> Czernowitzers...
> Since last year Spanish speaking websites and blogs are
> reporting on Samuel del Campo's rescue operation during WW2 in
> Czernowitz:
> Samuel del Campo, a diplomat from Chile, acted in favour of
> about 250 Jewish families, who - despite of their Polish
> citizenship - were imprisoned by the Romanian authorities in the
> Czernowitz Ghetto. There is evidence that thanks to Samuel del
> Campo's intervention these families succeeded to escape from the
> deportation to Transnistria.
> It was the historian Dr. habil. Mariana Hausleitner, who drew my
> attention to Samuel del Campo and to the Spanish speaking press
> coverage on his rescue operation.
> Does anyone of you know more about this?
> Edgar Hauster

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