How ironic that Hardy found and posted the photo he did but thanks for shar=
ing the very touching story of your grandfather. It gave the image so much =
more meaning.
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Jew with Star
From: Eytan Fichman <fichblue_at_aol.com>
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2015 01:22:00 -0400
X-Message-Number: 1
That is a picture of my grandfather, Marcus Spiegel, father of my mother, P=
earl Spiegel Fichman.
My mother told me that Marcus was forced to sit for the picture with his he=
ad uncovered - something he otherwise would never have done. I believe this=
image was taken during the Ghetto period in Czernowitz. My mother was able=
to help her parents to survive through the war and to avoid deportation to=
Transnistria. Marcus died a few years after WWII was over, in NYC, from ca=
ncer of the stomach. His wife, children (excepting one) and grandchildren s=
urvived him.
I was born five years after Marcus's death. When I was a young child, my mo=
ther would talk with me about her father; often it seemed; about how kind a=
nd gentle he was and how he made it part of his daily life to help poor Jew=
s in Czernowitz. My mother would often cry when she talked about him. My ol=
der brother, Mark, my parents' first child, was named after him. Marcus Sp=
iegel was a very religious man who grew up near Kolimya, married Pessie Sta=
dler and moved with Pessie to Czernowitz to set up a store and raise a fami=
ly. All of Marcus's family in Poland was killed during the war. My mother s=
aid Marcus loved his mother very much and talked about how kind she was . .=
When they forced into the Ghetto, Marcus cut the chords suspending the pend=
ulum in the big clock in their home. He didn't want the occupiers to be abl=
e to enjoy it. My mother said it was the only bitter thing she ever saw him=
My mother wrote about Marcus several times in her book, Before Memories Fad=
Sent from my iPhone
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Received on 2015-10-10 07:47:31