I have a question about Cz Deutsch, too, following my Schnorrbut post.
Does the type of German my family spoke tell me anything about how long the=
y had been in Czernowitz?
I know that my grandmother read the classics in German and that she spoke Y=
iddish, but was her daily conversation in "mainstream" German? I don't know=
... I understand that her sister spoke Cz Deutsch (much to the confusion of=
some Austrian border guards!) - but she left the city later than my grandm=
When did Czernowitzer Deutsch come into regular use? Does anyone know at wh=
at point it became a separate dialect?
Warm regards from autumnal Vancouver,
> On Nov 5, 2015, at 8:40 AM, WEIGHTMAN <weightman_at_btinternet.com> wrote:
> ------=_Part_48709_23591344.1446741612528
> Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
> [Please post in Plain Text, Jean. Thanks from a summit participant!]
> Dear Bruce - Dear Jerome
> Last week's thread 'The German We Spoke' started me wondering if any list=
members have made recordings so that we can hear their beautiful spoken Cz=
ernowitzerisch Deutsch. Apart from Ruth Glasberg Gold on Youtube, I don't k=
now if others have recorded or been recorded.
> As we have a book / reading list, do we have a list of recorded voices? A=
poem, a letter, thoughts, memories, recipes. All would be wonderful to lis=
ten to and, read out with affection, would bring out the best in Czernowitz=
> Wondering what you think. And, yes, the Summit video was grand!
> Best wishes
> Jean
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Received on 2015-11-05 09:58:51