The EHPES "collective memory" works smoothly and Samuel del Campo's life-sa=
ving operation turns from theory to concrete practice. By courtesy of our f=
ellow member Michael Kransdorff, I'd like to share with you Michael's corre=
spondence with Jorge Schindler:
Michael Kransdorff wrote on November 18, 2015: "Dear Mr Schindler, I believ=
e my cousin Berta Kranzdorf (nee Platz) was likely saved by Samuel del Camp=
o during the war. Berta Platz was born in 1883 in Lvov. In about 1900, she =
met and married Abraham Izaak Kranzdorf in Lvov. He was originally from Cze=
rnowitz but was working as a functionary in Lvov. They had 2 children. Serv=
erin born 1902 and Irene born 1905. In about 1920, the family moved back to=
Czernowtiz. In 1936 Abraham Izaak died in Czernowitz. Berta managed to sur=
vive in Europe and after the war joined her daughter in America via Switzer=
land. We have found [...] documents on Jewishgen and Yad Vashem. We were ve=
ry surprised to see the Jewish Citizen of Chile. She never visit Chile or h=
ad any Chilean connection. We would be grateful for any information or back=
ground you could give us to understand her experience during the war. Kind =
Jorge Schindler wrote on November 19, 2015: "Dear Mr. Kransdorff, Thank you=
very much for the information about Berta ! Dates exactly match the time w=
hen Samuel del Campo was in Bucharest. I think that this information is ver=
y important! Best regards."
What a story and a great and encouraging find! Thank you, dear Michael, for=
sharing and thank you, dear Jorge, for keeping track of Samuel del Campo's=
life-saving operation during the Holocaust.
Edgar Hauster
> From:
> To:
> CC:;; florinstan2011_at_yahoo.r=
> Subject: [Cz-L] Samuel del Campo
> Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 12:39:47 +0100
> Czernowitzers...
> It was our fellow member Sally Bendersky, Chilean Ambassador in Israel an=
d dean of the Latin American ambassadors (2000-2006), who facilitated for u=
s the contact to Jorge Schindler, First Secretary of the Chilean Embassy in=
Madrid; Jorge stated as follows:
> My name is Jorge Schindler, from the year 2013 I’m conducting research =
with respect to the Chargé d’Affaires of Chile in Bucharest – Romania=
, Samuel del Campo, between the years 1941-1943, who as I could investigate=
, would have helped the Jews of Polish origin in Czernowitz. Looking for ev=
idence of possible people, documents, or memories that help me in the inves=
tigation to recover the memory of this diplomat. Samuel, with the help of h=
is Romanian Jewish Secretary, managed to stop the deportation by train to s=
ome Jews, and give Chilean passports to at least 1700 people. It also prot=
ected their homes, placing Chile seal on their doors. After the war, Chile =
dismissed him from his job and never returned to Chile, dying in France in =
the 1960s, leaving no relatives. I am looking for evidence of possible peop=
le, documents, or memories that help me in the investigation to recover the=
memory of this diplomat.
> Thanks a lot for your help
> Jorge Schindler del Solar
> Primer Secretario
> 0034-914 319160
> Anexo 7007
> Embajada de Chile en España
> c/Lagasca 88
> 28001-Madrid
> Please let us all activate our "collective memory", since it's never too =
late for restoring justice! More prominent historians, such as Dr. Mariana =
Hausleitner from Germany and Dr. Florin C. Stan from Romania, are involved =
in this important process too.
> Edgar Hauster
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Received on 2015-11-19 02:42:34