RE: [Cz-L] original group members

From: Carl E Ulrich <>
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2015 17:06:54 -0700
To: Hardy Breier <>, "'Asher Turtel'" <>, "'Joanna Liss'" <>
Reply-To: Carl E Ulrich <>

This is my memory of the early beginnings of the List.

I think it was back in 1997 when I was looking for ancestors of my
wife, Paula Kreisberg Ulrich, on the large Jewish Gen discussion
group. Her paternal side came from Sadagora. It was on Jewish Gen
that I noticed that Bruce and Nick were also looking for relatives
from Sadagora and I began to e mail them separately. I think they
were also e mailing each other separately. As we shared more one on
one e mails , we graduated to sharing cc's with each other and then
as Bruce and Asher said, it grew to 8 or more. I believe many of us
in this early stage were concentrating on Sadagora. This is when
Bruce suggested that he could set up a list serve using the e
mail facilities at Cornell University and the rest is history.

It is quite incredible how the list has grown in both members and in
daily activity. And, as I think Cornel said, who would have
imagined that it could grow to become the important community and
resource that it is?

I have not been an active poster, but it is not because of a lack of
interest. Since my own background is not Jewish, I don't have much
to contribute to the content of the List. I do follow the list and
have received a great deal of education from it. And as so many
have noted, the credit for the success of the List goes to Bruce and
Jerome for the endless hours they spend in moderating and of course
for the many members who share their memories and history.

Carl Ulrich, Edmonton, AB, Canada

At 12:39 AM 30/11/2015, Hardy Breier wrote:
>I think this will have to be settled at the Hague International Tribunal !
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of Asher Turtel
>Sent: Monday, November 30, 2015 8:29 AM
>To: Joanna Liss
>Cc: Czernowitz Discussion Group
>Subject: Re: [Cz-L] original group members
>[ Plain text please -- see how at: ]
>Joanna=E2=80=8B, you are wrong. I was among the seven in the first list and=
>I was born in Cz. [Asher Turtel]
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