RE: [Cz-L] Recipes, food, cookbooks...

From: Merle Kastner <>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2015 11:23:07 -0500
To: "'Jerome Schatten'" <>

Well, one person is sending me her grandmother's soon
and I'm sure that there are one or two other people.
And I already have a few that were sent a month or so ago.

What was different this with this email, is that I asked for a picture
of the grandmother or whoever made this delicacy.

But please delete that email and in a couple of weeks,
I'll formulate another that will read entirely differently.

Just delete the email. :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerome Schatten []
Sent: December-11-15 11:07 AM
To: Merle Kastner
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Recipes, food, cookbooks...


>From my perspective, it just seemed odd that you would wait only three
days between your first message and the reminder: 7th to 10th. I
thought maybe you're still thinking about not seeing your own messages
or something.

We may be reaching a point where there aren't going to be many more
recipes that are different one to the other -- I don't know.

But if you want, just send it again, and I'll put it through.

If you only have a few, why not just add them to Volume III?


On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 6:23 AM, Merle Kastner <> wrote:=

> Hi Yosl,
> It's not exactly the same message, but if you think I should
> wait a bit more, okay, I'll wait.
> I was actually hoping to get started on this during the Xmas
> holidays when things (for me) get very quiet, but I'll find
> the time later.
> M.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerome Schatten []
> Sent: December-10-15 11:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: Fwd: [Cz-L] Recipes, food, cookbooks...
> Hey Kiddo... this went out on 7 Dec. Are you sure you want to send it
> again. As well, there are two copies of this exact message in the
> queue which were sent today that I'm going to delete. If you want to
> send a tickler about this, I would suggest you wait a bit -- maybe a
> month.
> j.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Merle Kastner <>
> Date: Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 7:57 AM
> Subject: [Cz-L] Recipes, food, cookbooks...
> Dear friends,
> A few people have sent me some recipes recently, so it
> looks as if there will soon be a Bukovina Cookbook,
> volume 4.
> But I don't have enough for a whole cookbook yet, so
> if you have a recipe or two that you would like to send
> me, please do.
> It would be a good idea to check to see if what you send
> is not in any of the other cookbooks on the Ehpes site:
> so we can have variety.
> And if you have picture(s) of the recipe(s) you send,
> that would be great.
> Please sign your name and the city & country in which you live, too.
> With many thanks and Happy Chanukah to everyone.
> Merle
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