[Things work better in Plain Text --thanks]
Thanks, I got it! Here is my translation:
I, Alfred Kittner, was born on November 24, 1906 in Czernowitz. My father,=
Heinrich Kittner (dead in 1932) was an accountant, my mother, Cecilia Kitt=
ner, born Kapralik, died in 1910, when I was barely 3 years old. I attended=
primary school and high school in Vienna, where my father lived during the=
First World War, and in Czernowitz. After graduating high school in 1925 =
and after attending for a year the Sciences Department of the Czernowitz Un=
iversity, I performed my military service as an infantryman in Satu Mare (1=
928-1929) and then I attended German Studies and German literature courses =
at Breslau University, where I began my literary career. In 1932, back in =
Czernowitz, I worked for a year in the accounting department of the Marmoro=
sch-Blank Bank, and in 1933 I started as an editor with the "Der Tag" (The =
Day) newspaper in Czernowitz, at which paper I worked as secretary, literar=
y editor, spell-checker, reporter, etc. until 1936, when this newspaper bec=
ame Czernowitzer Tagblatt. I worked in my former capacity at this newspape=
r as well, until it was suspended once the Goga-Cuza Cabinet came to power =
in 1939. This year I also published a volume of poetry. As a publicist, I=
always fought for the cause of democracy, against obscurantism, and I reve=
aled, among other things, in my articles, the terrorist means and persecuti=
on applied by the Czernowitz police against the Communist prisoners. Throu=
ghout this time, I have been an occasional collaborator of literary magazin=
es from Viena, Prague, etc. =20
In 1940-1941, after Northern Bukovina was annexed to the Soviet Russia, I w=
orked as a librarian with the Regional Czernowitz Library, and as a censor =
of the foreign books, and I collaborated with the Moscow International Lite=
rature Magazine. In 1941, I was deported, having been black-listed as a de=
mocratic publicist, by the secret police of Gen. Antonescu. With my family=
at Bug, after three torturous years in several extermination camps (Carier=
a pe Bug (Bug Quarry), Cetvastinovca, Demidovca, Obadovca) being freed by t=
he victorious advancement of the Red Army, I returned to Czernowitz, where =
I restarted my former job at the Library. In the meantime, my brother in l=
aw was mobilized as a military medic and a captain in the liberating Polish=
Army, sent [invitations] for the entire family. This is how I ended up in=
Poland, from where I returned to my country after my brother in law was re=
leased from the military. =20
In October 1945 I became a librarian with [indescifrable], in which capacit=
y I work even to this day, and in January of this year, I began to work as =
a radio anchor.=20
-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Reisch <bruce.reisch_at_cornell.edu>
To: Elena Iuga <elenaiugaesq_at_aol.com>
Cc: CZERNOWITZ-L <CZERNOWITZ-L_at_list.cornell.edu>
Sent: Wed, Dec 9, 2015 11:43 am
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Alfred Kittner's Handwritten CV in Romanian from the Ye=
ar 1946
Try this link, Elena:
Thank you!
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