RE: [Cz-L] Natalya Lazar, "Between Life and Death: Czernowitz Jews and Rescue during the Holocaust"

From: cornel fleming <>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2015 23:10:18 +0000
To: 'iosif vaisman' <>, 'czernowitz-L' <>
Reply-To: cornel fleming <>

Iosif,Hi! Do you know how I could get a copy of her dissertation??? Cor=

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:bounce-119992552-84=] On Behalf Of iosif vaisman
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 8:45 PM
To: czernowitz-L
Subject: [Cz-L] Natalya Lazar, "Between Life and Death: Czernowitz Jews and=
 Rescue during the Holocaust"

At the 47th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies which e=
nded yesterday in Boston, Natalya Lazar, a graduate student at Clark Univer=
sity presented a paper "Between Life and Death: Czernowitz Jews and Rescue =
during the Holocaust".

Here is the abstract of her presentation:

"This paper examines rescue in a borderland city of Czernowitz (aka
Cernăuţi/Chernivtsi) during the Holocaust. Drawing upon a range o=
f primary sources and survivors testimonies, I focus on urban multiethnic c=
ommunity under the Romanian rule. I pay close attention to the particular l=
ocal circumstances and analyze antisemitic policies implemented by the Roma=
nian government. How did non-Jews react to the persecution and murder of th=
eir neighbors? What was the role of Romanian institutions, such as local au=
thorities, the police, the gendarmerie, and church? Most important in light=
 of the thousands of Jews who survived in the city, what made rescue possib=
le? What was the role of the non-Jews, mostly Romanians and Ukrainians who =
lived in the area? Who were the people who saved Jews? And, what were the r=
escue motives? I scrutinize various rescue efforts ranged from the isolated=
 actions of individuals to organized actions.

Ghettoization was merely the beginning of the hardships Czernowitz Jews end=
ured. Deportation to Transnistria started with dragnet operations in the ov=
erpopulated ghetto in October 1941. Local mayor Traian Popovici stepped in,=
 issuing so-called authorizations that afforded the bearer the right to rem=
ain in the city. Rescued from forced departure, approximately 17,000 Jews w=
ere saved. In 1967, Popovici had been recognized as Righteous among the Nat=
ions by Yad Vashem. I analyze deportation practices and the measures Jews a=
nd the municipal authorities undertook to slip through the genocidal net.
>From Popovici’s memoirs we know he had some support from Romanian m=
ilitary and public administration officials in the province. What was his r=
ole, very specifically, in saving Czernowitz Jews? What was the role, if an=
y, of other officials? And what was the popular sentiment?

This paper seeks to provide an analytic frame for examining interethnic rel=
ations in a multiethnic society during the Holocaust. I argue that attitude=
s and behavior of non-Jews ranged from rescue and assistance, to looting of=
 Jewish property and active participation in the violent anti-Jewish action=

Natalya currently is also a fellow at the Harvard Ukrainian Research Instit=
ute ( The topic of her dissertation is "Czernowitz Je=
ws and the Holocaust: Identity, Interethnic Relations, Violence, and Surviv=
al in a Borderland city, 1941-44"


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