Eleanor ,I am much confused as my English not much good:
Was the witch beautiful woman?
Did he make the clock sound ?
Was the horse any good ?
Kareen beautiful name ,
Did he take her along?
-----Original Message-----
From: bounce-120005066-3499476_at_list.cornell.edu [mailto:bounce-120005066-34=
99476_at_list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of Eleanor Thom
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2015 5:21 PM
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History
Subject: [Cz-L] Watchmaker's fairy tale
Hi everyone,
A recent question to the list about a line at the beginning of fairy tales =
reminded me of this. I have a story written down by my grandmother (the dau=
ghter of a Bukovina watch mender). I do not recognise any part of it, but w=
ondered if she might have heard something similar from her father. Her moth=
er had died when she was very young.
Does anyone remember a story about a watchmaker called Orloff/Orlaff who go=
es into a valley enchanted by a witch to find a beautiful woman called Kare=
en? The watchmaker is helped along the way by a mouse, and bargains with th=
e witch that if he can mend her clock and make it chime, he can take the wo=
man with him. At the end the mouse turns into a horse.
Of course my grandmother may have made up all of this, but my mother, who s=
he wrote it down for in the 1950s, thinks not.
Best wishes to all,
Eleanor (Scotland)
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