RE: [Cz-L] A question about the deportation of Czernowiters to Auschwitz

From: Hardy Breier <>
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 10:45:05 +0200
To: 'Shelley' <>, 'Simon Kreindler' <>
Reply-To: Hardy Breier <>

Auschwitz was the biggest Nazi concentration camp located in Poland,
1000 km to the East, Transnistria was a part of Ukraina
East of the river Dniester designated
to be allocated to Rumania as spoils of war for its devoted services ,
Transnistria's eastern border was the river Bug.
East of the Bug was German military territory,
Here Jews were shot,

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:bounce-120005769-34=] On Behalf Of Shelley
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 5:01 AM
To: Simon Kreindler
Cc: Czernowitz
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] A question about the deportation of Czernowiters to Aus=

I decided to research the question. In doing so, the only reference I foun=
d was in a fascinating 2012 article. It merely mentions that the Jews in t=
he Czernowitz Ghetto were transferred to "Transistria or further." I don't=
 know the geographic relationship between Transistria and Auschwitz. It's a=
 very interesting article which I will give you a link for if you are inter=
ested in the author's point of view of Czernowitz. I neither endorse nor d=
eny his information.
Some of you would know better.


On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 7:34 AM, Simon Kreindler <simonkreindler_at_sympatico.=
ca> wrote:
> Dear Edgar and others
> Can you please clarify something for me regarding the deportation of Jews=
 from Czernowitz to Auschwitz?

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