RE: [Cz-L] A question about the deportation of Czernowiters to Auschwitz

From: Edgar Hauster <>
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 12:21:18 +0100
To: Simon Kreindler <>, Czernowitz Discussion Group <>
Reply-To: Edgar Hauster <>

Dear Simon,

Due to a harsh romanization, implemented by the Romanian authorities, hand =
in hand with Nazi Germany in the 1930s, many - predominantly young - Jews f=
rom Bukovina left for Western European countries looking for new educationa=
l and professional perspectives; my father Julius Hauster f. i. went to Gre=
noble in France, his brother Maximilian, who perished in Auschwitz, went to=
 Brussels in Belgium. Many of these expatriates, who subsequently lost thei=
r Romanian citizenship and usually didn’t get any protection against Nazi=
 persecutions by their host countries (see Belgium), were deported to and p=
erished in Auschwitz and/or other concentration/extermination camps.

But Auschwitz was not the „Final Solution“ for the Jews from Bukovina a=
s part of Romania, but by a fraction of an inch the BELZEC EXTERMINAION CAM=
P could have been!

The Jewish Virtual Library gets to the point: „According to the statistic=
al table on the potential victims of the ‚Final Solution‘ introduced at=
 the Wannsee Conference, 342,000 Romanian Jews were destined for this end. =
The German embassy in Bucharest conducted an intensive propaganda campaign =
through its journal, Bukarester Tageblatt [August 8, 1942], which announced=
 ‚an overall European solution to the Jewish problem‘ and the deportati=
on of Jews from Romania. On July 22, 1942, [Gustav] Richter [German officia=
l in charge for Jewish affairs in Romania] obtained Vice-Premier Mihai Anto=
nescu’s agreement to begin the deportation of Jews to Poland [Belzec Exte=
rmination Camp] in September. However, as a result of the efforts of the cl=
andestine Jewish leadership, foreign diplomatic pressure, and pressure by t=
he papal nuncio, A. Cassulo, Ion Antonescu canceled the agreement.“

Read more at the FINAL REPORT of the International Commission on the Holoca=
ust in Romania:

Although the chapter above (p. 75-81) is headlined "Romanian and German Pla=
ns to Eliminate the Jews from Regat and Southern Transylvania", the "Final =
Solution" as conceived by Adolf Eichmann and his aide Gustav Richter, inclu=
ded the entire Romanian Jewry, i. e. the Jews from Bukovina too! As I menti=
oned before, by a fraction of an inch...?! 

I do hope these data will be useful to you (and others), dear Simon. Warmes=
t wishes!

Edgar Hauster <MacBookAir>

> From:
> Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 07:34:08 -0500
> Subject: [Cz-L] A question about the deportation of Czernowiters to Ausch=
> To:
> Dear Edgar and others
> Can you please clarify something for me regarding the deportation of Jews=
 from Czernowitz to Auschwitz?
> Were any of these people deported directly from Czernowitz or were they d=
eported from other countries such as Belgium and only later identified as b=
eing from Czernowitz?
> I am asking because my aunt, Bertha Kreindler Gross, and her husband were=
 from Czernowitz and came to live with us after the War. I was very young a=
t the time and did not understand the implications of the tattooed numbers =
on their arms but have always wondered where they would have been deported =
from to have ended up in Auschwitz (since most Czernowitzers who were depor=
ted were sent to Transnistria).
> Best regards,
> Simon
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