HI Edgar, you are for me the biggest miracle...
I Knew that I sent to Ehpes thie picture with tha Czernowitzer students in
Vienna some years ago, but I never saw it on the blog...
and please, be so kind and send it to Manny Landau., as I promised him, but
I must look in so many boxes....
Thanks a lot and perhaps, until I am still in life, you will be my host..
Happy New Jear and provide us with new pictures from your wonderful trips,
like Benjamin von Tudela 1000 years ago
-----Original Message-----
From: Edgar Hauster
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2015 9:34 AM
To: Hedwig Brenner ; Emmanuel Landau ; Czernowitz Discussion Group
Subject: RE: [Cz-L] Correction
Thank you, dear Hedwig, for your message. I think you mean this photo, that
we published on your behalf at our ehpes.com Blog a few years ago:
Enjoy it, dear Manny, and we all are looking forward to reading your
(serial) story!
Warmest wishes to both of you!
Edgar Hauster <MacBookAir>
> Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2015 21:01:47 +0200
> From: hedbren_at_zahav.net.il
> Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Correction
> To: manny.landau_at_icloud.com; Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
> Hi Manny,
> I read your bio and I felt I must contact you. I think, I am the oldest
> member of the list and I knew personnally yor late father.Many times I was
> in his practice in the Franzensgasse, he worked together with his niece,
> Dr.Aronowicz, He was the best friend of my cousins Elsa and Lolo Gross in
> Vienna, as students and I have a picture from this time, together with an
> other friend, Dr.Stecher. If you wish, I can send you a copy of the
> picture,
> Shavuah tov
> Hedwig Brenner.
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