RE: [Cz-L] Museum

From: Hardy Breier <>
Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 19:08:05 +0200
To: "'Taylor, Miriam R'" <>, 'Simon Kreindler' <>
Reply-To: Hardy Breier <>

1. Holocaust museum anywhere is better than no museum nowhere.
2. I am for Holocaust Zelena as default mode.
3. One request: when busloads of visitors go down Ruska for museum at No 46
please make the guide
  point out : In this building to your right lived Hardy Breier until
  he was 14, causing mischief all day long ",
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Taylor,
Miriam R
Sent: Saturday, December 26, 2015 6:24 PM
To: Simon Kreindler
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Museum

The idea of converting the burial hall into a museum of the Holocaust,
originates with Joseph Zissels, who is the person upon who's initiative and
with who's money the Jewish museum In the city was also created.
I think that he decided to locate a Holocaust museum in the Leichenhalle
Because it seemed the most expedient thing to do.
The building is large, no one wants it for any other purpose and as it
stands Right now, it is just a ruin.

Zissels is a very adamant and stubborn person, he knows how to negotiate
With state and local authorities and he is able and willing to spend his own
money On various Jewish projects.

the building which once was the "Jewish house" and in which the Jewish
museum is located, Also houses the offices of various local entities and is
not considered Jewish property.
It is unlikely that the city would agree to allocate space in this building
for a holocaust museum.
Other buildings, in what was the mostly Jewish part of the city, are more
likely to be considered.

Anyhow, I think that those of us, who are not satisfied with the idea of
placing a Holocaust Museum in the former burial hall, should write to Joseph
Zissels and tell him our reasons.

I have his Email address, or at least, the Email of his secretary and will
gladly send it To anyone on the Cz.- List who wants to write him.
You may also write to him care of the Jewish museum.


Sent from my iPad
On Dec 26, 2015, at 8:05 AM, "Simon Kreindler" <>

> Like many of you, I can't help but be very skeptical about the entire
undertaking. To place a Holocaust museum in a cemetery seems like a sop to
the survivors and anyone who cares about what was done to the Jews of
Czernowitz during the War.
> It seems the real decision makers would rather not "contaminate" the city
with a museum that reminds locals of their ancestors' complicity in the
atrocities of Transnistria. Better to bury it on the outskirts and, even
better, in the Jew's own cemetery.
> Simon

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