[Cz-L] possible to hire someone in Israel/Haifa to help find relatives?

From: Marilyn Gelber <marilyn.gelber_at_gmail.com_at_nowhere.org>
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2015 10:22:42 -0800
To: rom-sig_at_lyris.jewishgen.org, Czernowitz Discussion Group <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-To: Marilyn Gelber <marilyn.gelber_at_gmail.com>

Hello to the Rom-Sig and Czernowitz list-serve members,

Thank you to all the people who replied to my questions about
searching for GOLDENBERG relatives from Czernowitz and Vatra Dornei,
who then migrated to the Haifa area.

Shaul Sharoni in Israel very kindly found the burial place, in Haifa,
of Sali Goldenberg Schwarz and her husband. This is a great clue, and
I am very glad to have it.

I am still looking for their descendants, or Betty Goldenberg's
descendants, one of whom has a name similar to Karoly (which is a
Hungarian name, so that's not his actual name), and was born in 1948.

Does anyone know if it is possible to hire someone in Israel, more
specifically in the Haifa area, to find one's relatives there?

There seems to be a contingent of Czernowitzers in Haifa, judging from
the people who frequently write to the list-serve. Does any of you
know someone who can look for my relatives?

I don't read or speak Hebrew (although I do read and speak French and
Portuguese, and I can read German), so it's difficult for me to
consult the sources in Israel - or perhaps I am ignorant of what they

Inbar Dekel, a Israeli researcher on the Czernowitz list, was kind
enough to suggest that I get in touch with the Israel Genealogical
Society - I have done that, but I haven't heard from them. Inbar also
suggested that I check the Yad Vashem Pages of Testimony - I am
familiar with them, because I have submitted Pages for the other side
of my family - and I may have found out what happened to Israel
Goldenberg (forced labor, and I assume that he didn't survive).

Thank you again, and with best wishes for 2016,

Marilyn G. [Goldenberg] Gelber, Ph.D.

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