I very much agree with what Marianne wrote to Josef Zissels.
I would urge everyone who agrees with Marianne, to write to Josef as well.
As to the financial aspect of this project: I believe that it would not be =
Expensive to restore or buy another building in the city to be a Holocaust =
than it is to restore the " Leichenhalle".
Sent from my iPad
On Dec 31, 2015, at 2:00 PM, "Marianne Hirsch" <mh2349_at_columbia.edu> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I have followed the discussion of the Leichenhalle renovation with great
> interest. People have said that the most productive part of a memorial or
> museum is the discussion it provokes, and we are deeply engaged in it. I =
> forwarding the email Leo and I just sent to Josef Zissels, in response to
> his earlier inquiry. Would love to ehar your thoughts,
> Warm wishes for a healthy and peaceful 2016 to you all,
> Marianne
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Dear Josef,
> Thank you for letting us know of the project to restore the ceremonial ha=
> in the Chernivtsi Jewish cemetery. It's great to hear that there are
> already substantial financial commitments for this purpose. We would be
> happy to help with fundraising efforts and to contribute some money
> ourselves. But we would urge you to think carefully about future uses of
> the building.
> As persons with both a personal and professional commitment to the
> preservation of Jewish memory in Chernivtsi and to the importance of
> museums and memorials as public institutions of memory, we are deeply
> troubled by the proposal to install a Holocaust museum there. Jewish
> museology is an active field of study, with annual conferences and
> publications. New Jewish and Holocaust museums are springing up all over
> Eastern Europe. It is difficult to tell this devastating story well, and =
> tell it for multiple audiences -- for survivors and their descendants, fo=
> descendants of perpetrators and bystanders and for local populations who
> might not have been involved in past crimes. It is especially difficult t=
> tell it in post-Communist regimes still dealing with censorship and
> political repression.
> For the latest scholarship on this matter, see the current issue of the
> journal East European Jewish Affairs, vol. 45, issue 2-3. A conference in
> New York focusing on East European Jewish museums is scheduled for next
> week.
> The city would benefit from such a museum, but not in that location. It
> belongs with the Bukovina Jewish History Museum in the center of the city=
> Placing a Holocaust museum in the Jewish cemetery on the outskirts of tow=
> makes the deportations, persecution and murder of the city's Jewish
> community a strictly Jewish problem, for Jewish visitors. It places the
> community under the sign of death, rather than life.
> We realize that to fund the renovation, you might have to show the donors
> that the building will be used. Perhaps a simple memorial will serve this
> purpose. It's the only tasteful ethical option, in our opinion. As Hedwi=
> Brenner, a survivor from Haifa wrote on the Czernowitz-L list, the site i=
> holy and placing such a museum there might well be experienced as offensi=
> if not sacrilegious.
> We hope that you will consult some international experts before going
> forward with these plans. We would suggest, foremost, Barbara
> Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, chief curator of the permanent exhibition of the
> Polin Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw.
> Please let me know if we can be of any assistance,
> warm wishes for a healthy new year,
> Marianne Hirsch and Leo Spitzer
> Marianne Hirsch
> William Peterfield Trent Professor of English and Comparative Literature
> Director, Institute for Research on Women, Gender and Sexuality
> On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Nadia Ufimtseva <nadia.ufimtseva_at_gmail.c=
> wrote:
>> Dear Sirs
>> =E2=80=8B,=E2=80=8B
>> The Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities of Ukraine (Vaad
>> of Ukraine) begins discussion of the project for repair and restoration =
> f
>> the building of ceremonial hall "Beit Kadishin" at the Jewish cemetery i=
>> Chernivtsi and creating there a memorial museum dedicated to the Holocau=
> t
>> victims in Bukovina.
>> =E2=80=8B=E2=80=8B
>> We believe that this project will be interesting and important to you, a=
> d
>> therefore we offer you to join the newsletter regarding this project. We
>> offer you also the article about our project:
>> =E2=80=8B
>> =E2=80=8B=E2=80=8B
>> =E2=80=8B
>> http://www.jewish-heritage-europe.eu/2015/12/27/ukraine-toward-a-holocau=
> t-museum-in-chernivtsi/%E2%80%9D
>> =E2=80=8B
>> =E2=80=8B
>> We are open to your suggestions and assistance in the implementation of
>> the restoration of the building and creation of the museum.
>> If you wish to unsubscribe, please let us know.
>> Best regards,
>> Joseph Zissels,
>> co-president of the Vaad of Ukraine
>> =E2=80=8BProject coordinator
>> Nadia Ufimtseva=E2=80=8B
>> =E2=80=8Bnadia.ufimtseva_at_gmail.com
>> +38097 960 58 64=E2=80=8B
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