Hello Cz friends, I am very grateful for Edgar's inclusion of the book/link for Bucharest-Uncovered for a number of reasons; most too lengthy to go into here. Let's say for now that it was just what I needed. I cannot fathom how the author of this precious book could be unknown (Is the author the same person who took the pictures? Or ?) I am hoping someone will seer Edgar's post and know the answer. In the meantime, with regard to the photography I was caught up in most of the pictures and was able to use Google Translate to a small degree. Page 25 of the Couple was especially important to me not to mention what was written about them. Can someone who speaks Romanian please let me know about the accuracy of the translation below? On another note, I am taking the liberty of adding a poem I wrote one night in Bucharest years after my late husband Rudy died. I was in the hotel were we spent our last night in Bucharest.
Page 25 as translated by Google Translate:
I still look at these two Romanians, poorer than the imagination: there is something in the serenity both in the eyes
his careless, in her smile that is known photographed. The gesture is indecent, mummy. Poverty does not always seem a pain.
Maybe I would like to find so much reconciliation and natural in a hot cup of tea. Let me, burner, with no thought for what it was or what will be in the world, just that: a cup of tea.
Mă tot uit la rom�nii ăștia doi, mai săraci dec�t �nchipuirea: e ceva �n seninătatea am�ndorura, �n privirea lui nepăsătoare, �n sur�sul ei ce se știe fotografiat. Gestul e �ndatoritor, mămos. Sărăcia nu pare tot timpul o suferință. Mai că mi-aș dori să găsesc at�ta �mpăcare și firesc �ntr-o cană fierbinte de ceai. Să-mi doresc, arzător, fără vreun g�nd pentru ce-a fost ori ce va fi pe lume, doar at�t: o cană de ceai.
Bucharest at Night Oct. 26, 2008, Hotel Banat
Your spirit is here in this old hotel room
Its laughter drifts out through heavy drapes
Blends with echoing street sounds below.
It sips local wine in the elegant glass of yesterday
Lifts its arms, whistles to the high carved ceiling.
Dance Rudy
Dance your own dance
The one where you pretend
You are what you are not
The one where you are
What you pretend.
_at_cora schwartz
-----Original Message-----
From: Czernowitz Genealogy and History digest <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
To: czernowitz-l digest recipients <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Sent: Sat, Apr 27, 2019 12:04 am
Subject: czernowitz-l digest: April 27, 2019
CZERNOWITZ-L Digest for Saturday, April 27, 2019.
1. [Cz-L] Book of the Month, April 2019: Bucharest Uncovered
2. [Cz-L] Nepolocoute
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