Hi Stephen,
I'm very positive we are talking about Siscauti (RO) - Shyshkivtsi (UA). Pl=
ease check my posting "Census of Romania for the Year 1930: Province of Buc=
ovina by Departments and Districts":
Siscauti (RO) - Shyshkivtsi (UA) belongs to "IV. Plasa Sipenizului (Village=
s)" within the Cernauti Department:
This said, according to the 1930, there were 1,631 village inhabitants, out=
of whom 72, i. e. 4.2 %, were Jewish. Radu Ioanid stated in his standard w=
ork "The Holocaust in Romania", p. 107, as follows:
"The mass murders in Bukovina continued to the end of July 1941. On the nig=
ht of July 20-21, more than 150 Jews from Siscauti, Iujineti, Stanceni, and=
Babin were brought to Siscauti under the pretext of being deported. Once l=
ocal peasants finished digging a large grave, however, Romanian gendarmes e=
xecuted the Jews."
Hope, these data will be helpful to you. Warmest wishes!
Edgar Hauster
From: bounce-123497655-8322570_at_list.cornell.edu <bounce-123497655-8322570_at_l=
ist.cornell.edu> on behalf of Stephen Winters <drstevewin_at_gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 7, 2019 21:12
To: Bruce Reisch
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Horodenak question
Thanks. All I am aware is the phonetic sounding Shiskaoutz my mother told =
me of. Does any one have an idea of whether there was indeed a Jewish prese=
nce there in the second half of the 19th century
Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 7, 2019, at 2:33 PM, Bruce Reisch <bruce.reisch_at_cornell.edu> wrote=
> Hi Steven,
> Perhaps the town you call Shyshtkvtsi is what is known now as "Tyshkivtsi=
". See this JewishGen communities page:
> https://www.jewishgen.org/Communities/community.php?usbgn=-1056980
> The town is very close to Horodenka; perhaps about 10 km to the west.
> Hope this helps.
> Bruce
> ?On 4/6/19, 23:27, "bounce-123496795-3497436_at_list.cornell.edu on behalf o=
f Stephen Winters" <bounce-123496795-3497436_at_list.cornell.edu on behalf of =
drstevewin_at_gmail.com> wrote:
>> My mother (Blanka End) had a grandmother (born Ethel Meier in the second=
half of the 19th century) from a town close to Horodenka phonetically pron=
ounced Shiskaoutz - perhaps today Shyshtkvtsi. Her married name was Ethel =
Fishman. I believe she was married in Kotzman
>> Does any one know of information about this town/village
>> Stephen Winters
>> Parsippany, New Jersey
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Received on 2019-04-07 13:09:20