My good friend Daniel Katz from Israel, Ambassador for Romania, the Ukraine and Republic of Moldova for the World Organization of Bukovina Jews and Descendants, is sharing with us a most interesting document from his family archive, representing "The Initial Spark to Jägendorf's Foundry", now available at our Ehpes Blog:
Although Siegfried Jägendorf wasn't an uncontroversial person, there is no doubt that his activities led to a major rescue operation during the Romanian Holocaust. Therefore I think the Israeli historian Yitzhak Arad is right by stating:
"Jägendorf convinced the town’s [Moghilev] Romanian authorities that the repair and reopening of the power station would require hundreds of Jewish workers, and so they were permitted to remain in the town with their families. After Jägendorf and his employees reinstated the town’s electricity supply, further manufacturing plants were established in which Jews were employed. One of Jägendorf’s enterprises was a metal foundry, to which he gave the name ‘Turnatoria’. It produced various commodities, including heaters for government officials and the local population, metal parts for repairing bridges over the Dnestr, and other objects; in the beginning of 1942 more than 1,000 Jews were employed in these plants. For the deportees these initiatives were salvation."
While the title of the English edition of Siegfried's Jägendorf's book "The Jagendorf Foundry: A Memoir of the Romanian Holocaust" keeps to the facts, both the Romanian and German editions come in with sensationalism.
• Das Wunder von Moghilev: Die Rettung von zehntausend Juden vor dem rumänischen Holocaust
[The Miracle of Moghilev: The Rescue of Ten Thousand Jews from the Romanian Holocaust]
• Minunea de la Moghilev: Memorii 1941-1944
[The Miracle of Moghilev: Memoirs 1941-1944]
Read more at:
Edgar Hauster
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