[Cz-L] List of Jews.... Request by Dr. Mayer Ebner to N. Goldman to save the deported Jews

From: jerome schatten <admin_at_ehpes.com_at_nowhere.org>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2019 22:56:51 -0700
To: <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-To: jerome schatten <admin_at_ehpes.com>


It seems to me that this message never made it through the system to get distributed, so I’m forwarding it through. Since our list software will not allow attachments, I have posted the attachments to the Blog at:

Perhaps list that David saw at the Museum might be the list that Zlila tried to post. Not a Popovici list but a list of folks deported to Siberia.


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Zlila <anan1951_at_012.net.il>
> Subject: RE: [Cz-L] List of Jews.... Request by Dr. Mayer Ebner to N. Goldman to save the deported Jews
> Date: July 18, 2019 at 02:11:51 PDT
> To: 'jerome schatten' <romers_at_shaw.ca>, 'Miriam Taylor' <mirtaylor37_at_gmail.com>
> Cc: 'David Tabak' <tabak_at_mac.com>, 'Czernowitz Discussion Group' <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
> Hello dear friends
> I have send a copy of a part of the archive of my Grandfather Dr. Mayer Ebner and my Father Dr. Josef Ebner to the museum of Czernowitz (attached an example)
> ( a lot of Documents & old Photos & Articles etc... between 1899 - 1940 -( attached an example) besides those of 1940-1955.
> .
> The above document was an urgent request of M. Ebner to Nahum Goldman and Stefan Whise to save the deported people to SIBIR.
> I will be happy to share with you all the documents etc. that you do not have yet.
> All The best
> Zlila Ebner- Helman

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