[Cz-L] Re: Markus Kislinger

From: Edgar Hauster <bconcept_at_hotmail.com_at_nowhere.org>
Date: Wed, 29 May 2019 07:46:43 +0000
To: "czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu" <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>, Eddie Kislinger <eddiekislinger_at_gmail.com>
Reply-To: Edgar Hauster <bconcept_at_hotmail.com>

Dear Eddie,

Thank you for your message and here are now - from one Eddy to the other Eddie - more details on Markus Klinger, his family and his work:

1. From my 2013 motorcycle ride to Bukovina I reported on the "Toynbee Hall, a Jewish Educational Institution, Erected a Century Ago in Czernowitz":

2. THE expert for the Czernowitz Toynbee Hall and its realisation is Dr. Markus Winkler (see Cc), the author of "Toynbee-Halle in Czernowitz 1913: Zur Rekonstruktion einer jüdischen Bildungseinrichtung" [Toynbee Hall in Czernowitz 1913: On the Reconstruction of a Jewish Educational Institution]:

3. Markus Winkler delivered a lecture on the Toynbee Hall at the International Conference in Czernowitz: Literature • Culture • Civil Society:

In case you read German, three different newspaper archives will provide an outstanding wealth of information to you:

4. Entering "Kislinger" into the search engine of DiFMOE, the Digital Forum for Central and Eastern Europe, leads to 64 matches in "Ostjüdische Zeitung" and 3 matches in "Neue Jüdische Rundschau", both from Czernowitz, covering i. a. the death of Markus Kislinger on 11-Jun-1928:

5. Entering "Markus Kislinger"~10 into the search engine of ANNO, the Austrian Online Newspapers Archives, by restraining the search to Czernowitz leads to another 37 meaningful matches:

6. The "Deaths, Funerals, Obituaries & Memorial Ceremonies" published by "Der Tag" from Czernowitz are listing death, obituary, funeral and acknowledgemet notices for Arnold Kislinger, Markus Kislinger's brother. By the way, the events around his - ALTERNATIVE - burial in Mihaileni led to a major scandal in Czernowitz in 1933:

Enjoy these hints, dear Eddie, please tell us all more on your relationship to Markus Kislinger and keep us informed on the results of your research! Warmest wishes!

Edgar Hauster

From: bounce-123644615-8322570_at_list.cornell.edu <bounce-123644615-8322570_at_list.cornell.edu> on behalf of Eddie Kislinger <eddiekislinger_at_gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 23:46
To: czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
Subject: [Cz-L] Markus Kislinger

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I=E2=80=99m interested in any information about Markus Kislinger and his wife Ann=
a, who died in the 1920=E2=80=99s. I=E2=80=99ve attached a photo of their crypt at the c=
emetery in Czernowitz.=20


According to JewishGen (which spells Kislinger as Kisslinger), Markus built=
 Toynbee Hall, a =E2=80=9Cmagnificent=E2=80=9D four story building =E2=80=9Cto educate and enl=
ighten the Jewish people=E2=80=9D. He did so at the request of Professor Leon Kell=
ner of the University of Chernivsti, a well known Zionist, who was a friend =
and advisor to Theodor Herzl and after Herzl=E2=80=99s death wrote a biography of =


Toynbee Hall was described as a =E2=80=9CZionist temple=E2=80=9D where =E2=80=9Cdiscussions a=
bout Zionist-Palestine problems were carried on, and art, literature, and pr=
ograms of common interest filled the large hall.=E2=80=9D The building is now the =
home of the Bukovina Bible Society and a prayer house for Seventh Day Advent=



Eddie Kislinger



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