RE: [Cz-L] Book of the Month, November 2019: Romania and the Holocaust

From: K Charles Real Estate <>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2019 01:57:38 +1100
To: "'Fred Weisinger'" <>, "'Stephen Winters'" <>
Reply-To: "K Charles Real Estate" <>


Hi Fred and all the readers of CZ ,
It 0100 in the morning and Kurt is asleep , he has just undergone eye surgery and is not very well at the moment .
Kurt was to give his testimony on Sunday 17th November at the Holocaust Centre in Melbourne but we had to cancel due to him having emergency surgery .
In this family you have two stories ,the first is of a 5 year old boy who together with his mother were taken away first of all to the ghetto and then deported to Transnistria from 1941 -1944 when the Mongolians , part of the red army set them free.
I will forward a copy of his testimony at a later stage.
In 1976 Kurt married a girl my the name of Ljuba Esther Hozenbol/ Kreizer she was borne on 23 June 1946 to a Russian , Romanian Mother and a Polish Father .
They survived the War in Russia and Uzbekistan and in 19945 crossed the Casabian sea to make their way back to Poland to see if any of Janeks family were alive . Unfortunately not , he was the only surviving member of the Hozenbol family , the Teller family had family members alive in America and Janek maid contact with his two Uncles.
Anya had her sister with her and her brother was left behind in the Russian Army , eventually in 1973 coming to Israel from CZ with his third wife and daughter ,his younger son remained in CZ with his mother , his older son somewhere in Russia we have maid very effort but cannot find him .
This is just a very short story in regards to this family . Kurt has been a member of this group for many years , I belong to a different group but do read the mail from this group .
I have been living in Australia since 1947 and Kurt has been here since 1949 .
There is still a lot to tell in regards to these 2 families .
Kurt has been receiving compensation from the Claims Conference for many years and at the moment he is receiving additional help, due to the fact that he is incompacited from the Eye Operation and cannot see.
Fred do not be so quick to want to prosecute Antonius my mother in-laws sisters and sister in-law paid for papers and were alive at the end of the War , to emigrate to Israel and have families and contribute to the repopulation of the Jewish people , my mother has 2 daughters ,2 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren . My Aunty in Montevideo has 2 sons 7 chranchilren and I think 3 great grandchildren , Itchic had 2sons and a stepdaughter who lives in Ottawa and has a daughter and a son ,Ascher lives in Sweden , his mother married Ellie Wesel's brother and has taken on his surname, he has a son that married recently and we are putting a lot of pressure on Victor to add to the family .
Kurt has received to be exact $235.00 US less tax and bank fees from the Romanians Government.
There has been an amendment maid my the German Government in regards to repatriation , second generation born up to the year 1948 can now claim a package that will give them a lump sum from 1997 until today and a pension for life, and now you will be eligible to retain your spouses pension after their life for as long as you are alive .
CZ and Transnistria have just been added to the list of Ghettos and Concentration camp's on the list.
I will now wish you good night , uof vida zein I need to go and look after Kurt .
Love and Kisses
Ljuba German /Hozenbol/Kreizer

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