Re: [Cz-L] EISENTHAL from ARBORE / MOGILEV questions

From: Benjamin Grilj <>
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2019 04:10:50 +0100
To: Ildani-Global Inc. <>
Reply-To: Benjamin Grilj <>

Hi Rony,
welcome to the list. According to the oesterreichischem Verkehrslexikon Arbora (the Austrian version of the Name) belongs to the district of Gurahumora. You could try to find some BMD-files at family-search, but without any german knowledge this will not be that easy.
Good luck, Benjamin

> Am 30.10.2019 um 00:14 schrieb Ildani-Global Inc. <>:
> --_000_SN6PR04MB4144440BE5B8353585E597F4CF610SN6PR04MB4144namp_
> Thank You Bruce for the "plain text" tip (I hope this works) and to Arthur =
> for replying
> Privileged to address the "original" "Band of Brothers" in this blog. Altho=
> ugh I have never been to Bucovina or speak German (or Rumanian), I was rais=
> ed by 2 former proud Czernovitzers: a father (YECHIEL EISENTHAL-GOLDSTEIN =
> aka Eki) who moved to Venezuela in the late 1920s (with an older brother) a=
> nd a mother (Clara Schachter-Treiner) that survived Transnistria. Both left=
> Czernovitz at an early age but Czernovitz was always part of them. Much li=
> ke Venezuela is today part of me since we moved to South Florida (second ge=
> neration, second diaspora).
> My mother is the last of the of our "Czernovitz" link alive and her memory =
> is abandoning her. Nevertheless, both had the foresight to leave "notes" of=
> their family history which I am deciphering as I write.
> First the EISENTHAL (paternal) salient facts:
> 1. Thanks to the "band of Brothers" that scaned and indexed the "7 Books of=
> ...", I was able to establish that most of the EISENTHAL and RAND families =
> were born and are buried in ARBORE.
> 2. My great grandfather HAIM EISENTHAL ben SHIMON from ARBORE followed the =
> Rebbe from Sadagora.
> 3. My grandfather R'JACOB-SIMCHA EISENTHAL moved to RADAUTZ and contrary to=
> his father's wishes followed the MIZRAHI (accepted Zionism?)
> 4. Prof. Jacob Pinhas Rand published a personal memoir in hebrew: SHORASHIM=
> HAIM describing ARBORE. However, I have been unable to read it as my hebre=
> w is extremely limited. If anyone wants to browse, you are welcome with thi=
> s link (Eisenthal Facebook Group created for this quest)
> EISENTHAL chapter of SHORASHIM HAIM by Prof Yacov Pinhas Rand<https://www.f=
> df?av=3D1044603206&eav=3DAfZUhEGd9zyOyqhjO-5lAhTpc6a2YiOClhOXeobPF5XqRyGy7r=
> l9i5y1kLYDZuTGdhY&hash=3DAcrYVlFzYEJM5maK>
> Is anyone in the blog from ARBORE? Pictures?
> Do you have any relatives buried in Arbore?
> Which municipality keeps records of births, marriages and deaths? (Solca is=
> a possibility - pending the indexing of the Solca archives)
> Do the Hassidic Houses keep records of their past members?
> Anyone traveling to the region? (looking forward to hear from Arthur)
> My maternal grandparents were deported to Mogilev where they perished. As o=
> f today, I have not found any record of them (not in Drucker's list).
> Are there any other records? My mother was an orphaned paperless minor resc=
> ued by the Aliyat Hanoar (same as our dear Ruth Gold).
> Their names were: SIMCHA Binem SCHACHTER and ESTER SCHACHTER
> Thank you, any bit of info is appreciated
> Thank you to the Bucovina Band of Brothers for keeping and sharing the spir=
> it...
> PD. Arthur have a safe trip
> ________________________________
>> Hi my name is Rony Eisenthal. I am registered to receive the daily emails=
> a=3D
>> nd would like to be able to reply within the blog. Can you indicate how.
>> Both parents were from Czernovitz and my EISENTHAL grandparents were from=
> A=3D
>> rbore (Suceava). I follow with great interest Edgar Hauster's, Christians=
> a=3D
>> nd Eylon's travel blogs and discoveries. I was born and raised in Venezue=
> la=3D
>> and do not speak or read german (schade) and hope to find answers to my "=
> q=3D
>> uest" to rebuild a "vanished" (world to paraphrase Christian) and locate =
> my=3D
>> mother's parents burial site in Mogilev (probably unmarked)
>> Thank You
>> [Rony Eisenthal]
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