Re: [Cz-L] Schwarzwald and Kanczuker families

From: <>
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2019 10:08:59 +0300
To: David Dukes <>
Reply-To: <>


David Hello and happy Sukkot,
The only thing that rang a bell for me was the quite unique name :
There is in Haifa on facebook a Dahlia Treibich who's a travel guide. Maybe
She may know something about that.

Best regards,
Ella Nave (Haifa)
(from Schwartz,Harnik branches)

=E2=80=AB=D7=91=D7=AA=D7=90=D7=A8=D7=99=D7=9A =D7=99=D7=95=D7=9D =D7=93=D7=
=B3, 16 =D7=91=D7=90=D7=95=D7=A7=D7=B3 2019 =D7=91-4:02 =D7=9E=D7=90=D7=AA =
=E2=80=AADavid Dukes=E2=80=AC=E2=80=8F <=E2=80=AA>:=E2=80=AC

> Hi all! I=E2=80=99ve just joined this wonderful group.
> My great- grandparents Adolf Kanczuker and Klara Schwarzwald were born in
> Czernowitz in the 1860=E2=80=99s.
> I know something of the family origins through my grandfather=E2=80=99s d=
> which describes his parents=E2=80=99 life in Czernowitz.
> But going back in time there are a lot of blank spaces on the family tree=
> so I was wondering whether anyone in the group can help or may even be
> related?
> 1) Kanczuker: my great great grandfather Sigmund (1820-80) moved to
> Czernowitz from Tarnopol or nearby after being conscripted into the
> Austrian Army for seven years (including the 1848 revolution). I don=E2=
=80=99t know
> his wife=E2=80=99s name. They had two children: Adolf (Abraham) and Minna=
. Minna
> was a teacher at the girl=E2=80=99s high school. Adolf worked for the Pop=
> first as the full time family tutor (starting when he was 14, to help
> support the family after his father=E2=80=99s death) and then as a manage=
r at his
> timber mills in Transylvania, before opening his own mills.
> 2) Schwarzwald: the story of my great grandmother=E2=80=99s family is wel=
> mainly because of her brother Hermann, who married Genia, and both moved =
> Vienna about 1900: one to be a civil servant and the other an educator (
> proving the saying that =E2=80=9C A Wiener ist a Bukowiner=E2=80=9D). The=
 other brother was
> Daniel , who was first a magistrate in Sucsava , and later in life was a
> Hofrat in Vienna.
> I would like to know the name of my great grandmother Klara=E2=80=99s mo=
> She died giving birth to Klara. Her husband Salamon moved then to Vienna
> and remarried- their son was Gustav. He was an engineer at the Ganz Machi=
> Factory in Austria.
> The three Schwarzwald children were later brought up by the Brunstein=E2=
> he was a member of the Czernowitz Stadtrat for many years before WW1, and
> owned the town flour mill. They called the Brunstein=E2=80=99s mother and=
> Mrs Brunstein ( maiden name Trebitsch) was a relative of Klara=E2=80=99s =
mother, so
> that might be a clue.
> Sorry for the length of this account but maybe someone can provide some
> information?
> Best Regards
> David Dukes
> (Australia)
> =E2=80=A2Sent from phone

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