Re: [Cz-L] Rabbi Avraham Mark

From: Edgar Hauster <>
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2019 17:01:27 +0000
To: Ron Hassner <>
Reply-To: Edgar Hauster <>

Dear Ron,

By pointing to the Directory for the Municipality of Czernowitz for the Year 1936, which is entirely in line with the Telephone Directory from the very same year

my dearest friend Berti indicated Herrengasse / Iancu Flondor Street 46 to you. Well, I don't know which photo you received from Berti for this address, therefore it's a puzzle, but from my research I'm coming to the conclusion that we are talking of the corner building

Herrengasse / Iancu Flondor / Kobilianskoy & Neueweltgasse / Marasesti / Shevchenka and take notice of the differences between


In addition please let me draw your attention to my posting on "05/23/1961: Eichmann Trial – Session 48 – Perla Mark’s Testimony" at our Ehpes Blog

as well as to the "Jubilee Edition Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the [Czernowitz] Temple, Chanukah 5698 / November 28, 1937", available for download at our Czernowitz Book Corner:

One of the opening articles is dedicated to "Our Temple - From an Aesthetic Point of View" by your great-grandfather Dr. Abraham I. Mark. In case you don't read German, please process the transcription by an online translator.

One more thing, dear Ron: I'm encouraging you to notify your visit to Czernowitz to my friend Mykola Kuschnir, the Director of the Jewish Museum

who for sure will be delighted to welcoming you; of course you are aware of the outstanding significance of your great grandfather for the Jews from Czernowitz! Enjoy the data above, which might be a bit helpful to you in anticipation of your visit to Czernowitz!

Edgar Hauster

From: <> on behalf of Berti Glaubach <>
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2019 09:01
To: Ron Hassner
Cc: Czernowitz Genealogy and History
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Rabbi Avraham Mark


>From the 1936 census,
Herrengasse was Jancu Flondor I will send you the (nearly) present foto of
the building.
Mark Israel Wolf rabin str. Iancu Flondor 46 CZ 94

On Sat, Oct 12, 2019 at 4:40 AM Ron Hassner <> wrote:

> --00000000000018a6430594a951b3
> Dear Czernowitzers,
> As many of you know, Avraham Mark was the Chief Rabbi of Czernowitz and all
> of Bukowina during the Holocaust. He was among the first Jews of the city
> to be martyred.
> He was my great-grandfather. My father is named in his memory. We are
> considering a family trip to Czernowitz and would like to see the house on
> Herrengasse where Rabbi Mark lived with his wife Perla and their children
> (including my grandmother, Herta).
> Would one of you happen to know the address of their house on the
> Herrengasse?
> Best,
> Professor Ron Hassner
> U.C. Berkeley
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