> Does anyone know what documents Austria will ask to show one is a direct
> descendant?
This is the info I got from the consulate:
> 2) Please include all documents and records available to
> you which prove your direct descent from the persecuted ancestor
> (Basically birth certificates also mentioning the parents - for every
> generation between the persecuted ancestor and the applicant). Please
> note that, if applicable, you should also submit documents concerning
> a name declaration/name determination or a divorce/dissolution of a
> partnership if they are necessary to prove your direct descent from
> your persecuted ancestor (i.e. a change of last name). *Please send
> originals; if you only hold copies, these would be sufficient as well. *
Nevertheless they also said that if some documents are missing, they
will try to find some of the missing information.
Elisa Heymann
> In my case I have an address of residence in Vienna,
> grandparents' names, and oral history of the concentration camp in which
> they perished, but no documentation that I am their grandson. Their surname
> is different from mine (maternal side).
> Thank you,
> Eric Jung
> On Sat, Sep 5, 2020 at 11:55 AM Benjamin Grilj <b.grilj_at_perspectiveast.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> here is the Info from the Jewish Welcome Service Vienna:
>> https://jewish-welcome.at/en/austrian-citizenship-for-nazi-victims/
>> Best, Benjamin
>>> Am 03.09.2020 um 10:22 schrieb Edgar Hauster <bconcept_at_hotmail.com>:
>>> Dear Maurice,
>>> Wow, great news! Thank you for drawing our attention to this extremely
>> important topic. In addition I've re-posted the Australian Jewish News
>> article to our Ehpes Blog
>>> http://ehpes.com/blog1/?p=10970
>>> by adding information provided by the Austrian Embassy in Washington
>> leading to further official links:
>>> https://bit.ly/2QQbMhf
>>> Thank you once again for your dedication and warmest wishes to Down
>> Under!
>>> Edgar Hauster
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: Maurice Linker <linkerm_at_gmail.com>
>>> Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 09:29
>>> To: Edgar Hauster; czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu
>>> Subject: Thousands of Jews expected to apply for Austrian citizenship
>>> Hi Edgar
>>> This item would be of interest to the members of the blog
>> https://www.jweekly.com/2020/09/01/this-will-completely-change-jewish-life-in-austria-thousands-of-jews-around-the-world-expected-to-apply-for-austrian-citizenship-through-new-rules/
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>> Regards
>>> Maurice Linker
>>> Tel +61293631399 Mob 0410808599
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