Dear Karin,
My maternel grand mother was born Fuhrmann, on 1898 in Czernowitz, I know
this family name is commun, do you know the name of Wilhelms father ?
I have a family tree not totally completed but maybe there are names that
could be commun.
I live in France, I was born in Bucarest too in 1956, my parents are from
Czernowitz, I am retired since two years now and doing alot of genealogy
Hope to read you soon, Anny Sch=C3=A4fer Chemla
Le dim. 6 sept. 2020 =C3=A0 16:16, Karin Verzariu <karin_at_karinp.co.uk> a =
=C3=A9crit :
> --_000_LO2P265MB0927D53306F4C6C2780BB3EA982B0LO2P265MB0927GBRP_
> Hello all
> I am happy to have been admitted to this group. My name is Karin Perrin,
> ne=3D
> e Hellmann, and I have become increasingly interested in the history of m=
> =3D
> family as years have gone by. I was born to a Jewish family in Bucharest
> af=3D
> ter the Second World War. My family managed to emigrate in 1949, a story
> in=3D
> itself, and I now live in London, married to an Englishman.
> My mother, nee Hermine Fuhrmann, was born in Czernowitz in 1913 and wrote
> h=3D
> er memoirs in the 1990s, in German. Her grandfather was a Schachter, her
> g=3D
> randmother a Kahlenberg - it seems her grandmother did not take her
> husband=3D
> 's name and therefore my maternal grandmother was also a Kahlenberg prior
> t=3D
> o her marriage at 16. My mother's father was Wilhelm Fuhrmann. Although =
> =3D
> read the memoirs at the time, my life was too busy with other matters to
> do=3D
> much about them. However, since my retirement just over a year ago I hav=
> =3D
> re-read them and decided that I would like to translate them into English=
> =3D
> in particular so my daughter and grandchildren can learn more about their
> a=3D
> ncestry. In the course of doing this I realised that it would be much
> more=3D
> interesting if I added photographs, maps, etc.. I am scanning in the few
> p=3D
> hotos I have of my family, as obviously most have been lost. This led to
> an=3D
> internet search for more information, and I came across more photos of
> the=3D
> period and discovered your organisation. So far there are 21 typed A4
> page=3D
> s with various illustrations as well as comments of my own.
> It would be good to know more about the area, the periods before WWI and
> be=3D
> tween the wars, the lives of those living there, and if perchance there
> are=3D
> any distant relatives in this group. So I will write again soon with
> names=3D
> of other family members. It may be that I have information that others
> mi=3D
> ght find useful.
> In the meantime, I look forward to any responses.
> Karin
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Received on 2020-09-07 17:50:57