[Cz-L] Re: czernowitz-l digest: September 02, 2020

From: Ildani-Global Inc. <goldroro_at_hotmail.com_at_nowhere.org>
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2020 18:48:02 +0000
To: czernowitz-l digest recipients <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-To: "Ildani-Global Inc." <goldroro_at_hotmail.com>


RE: Stones to CZ film
As a son of 2 CZ born parents, the film hits "strong" sentiments (my mother=
's family perished in Transnistria while my father's survived in the CZ ghe=
tto). Is there a list of the Traian Popovici "special authorizations"?
Thank you in advance
Rony Eisenthal

From: bounce-124906525-73871644_at_list.cornell.edu <bounce-124906525-73871644=
_at_list.cornell.edu> on behalf of Czernowitz Genealogy and History digest <cz=
Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2020 12:04 AM
To: czernowitz-l digest recipients <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Subject: czernowitz-l digest: September 02, 2020

CZERNOWITZ-L Digest for Wednesday, September 02, 2020.

1. [Cz-L] BINDER, Czernowitz --> Paraguay and Israel
2. RE: [Cz-L] BINDER, Czernowitz --> Paraguay and Israel


Subject: [Cz-L] BINDER, Czernowitz --> Paraguay and Israel
From: Jonah Belser <jonah.belser_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2020 16:56:40 -0400
X-Message-Number: 1


Hi Czernowitz-L!

This is my very first inquiry and I am excited to be a part of this list.

My 2x great-uncle Karl/Karol BINDER (1905-1983) and his sister Berta
BINDER (1908-1987) of Czernowitz emigrated to Israel after World War
II. Karl was married to fellow Czernowitzian Yetti WEIDBERG
(1905-1969). Karl was born on 2 Sep 1905, and Berta on either 7 Jan or
18 Jan 1908. Israeli records indicate that Karl arrived in Israel in
1958 and Berta in 1950.

Recently, I came across a few sources on Ancestry.com and JewishGen
that might relate to my family's Karl and Berta BINDER but there are
some curious elements about them that make me wonder if the names and
places are just coincidences.

- The first set of documents are JDC index cards for a Berta BINDER,
"husband" Karl BINDER, and "daughter" Regina BINDER traveling from
Vienna, Austria to Paraguay in 1948. Berta is listed as being from
Czernowitz. I started speculating that Berta posed as Karl's wife to
expedite the emigration process and that the two went to Paraguay
before ultimately settling in Israel. However, the birthdates for
Berta and Karl do not match up to those of my ancestors, and "my" Karl
had no children that I am aware of. The cards are attached.

- I then found someone named Yetti BINDER living in Czernowitz in 1943
in USHMM's Holocaust Records from Romanian Occupation, 1941-1944 (also
attached), which suggests that Yetti WEIDBERG and Karl were already
married at that time.

- Finally, I located a grave for a Regina WENDER in Czernowitz
cemetery, where all but the base is gone. See

I would like to try to find out if Karl and Berta first moved to
Paraguay before emigrating to Israel and if Regina was one of their
daughters. Does anyone have suggestions for how I can solve this

Thank you for your time,

Jonah Belser
Washington, D.C.

[Welcome Jonah! Sorry but attached documents can not be distributed via th=
e list at this time. But they can be posted and shared via the Phpes blog, =
<http://ehpes.com/blog1/>. Thanks for sharing your story with us and hope=
 you find some assistance with your research here. Bruce Reisch, list owner=


Subject: RE: [Cz-L] BINDER, Czernowitz --> Paraguay and Israel
From: <scott_at_wordwizardsinc.com>
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2020 12:32:59 -0400
X-Message-Number: 2

Hello Jonah,
My wife and I are CZ descendants and live in Silver Spring MD. We go to Te=
mple Sinai in DC and would love to met you under different conditions. Whi=
le I can't help you to solve your mystery, I would like to share the "coinc=
idence" of two people who married and they are both CZ descendants. Part o=
f this story is related to Traian Popovici who saved approximately 20,000 J=
ews from exile to a fascist killing field known as Transnistria. Our docum=
entary is in the post-production phase. If you would like to review the cu=
rrent trailer and movie preview, please see www.stonestoczernowitz.com<http=
://www.stonestoczernowitz.com>. Shana Tovah! S.)

Scott L. Gordon, CFO
Word Wizards, Inc.
8609 2nd Ave., Unit 406-B
Silver Spring, MD 20910

-----Original Message-----
From: bounce-124903433-85583778_at_list.cornell.edu <bounce-124903433-85583778=
_at_list.cornell.edu> On Behalf Of Jonah Belser
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 4:57 PM
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Subject: [Cz-L] BINDER, Czernowitz --> Paraguay and Israel


Hi Czernowitz-L!

This is my very first inquiry and I am excited to be a part of this list.

My 2x great-uncle Karl/Karol BINDER (1905-1983) and his sister Berta BINDER=
 (1908-1987) of Czernowitz emigrated to Israel after World War II. Karl was=
 married to fellow Czernowitzian Yetti WEIDBERG (1905-1969). Karl was born =
on 2 Sep 1905, and Berta on either 7 Jan or
18 Jan 1908. Israeli records indicate that Karl arrived in Israel in
1958 and Berta in 1950.

Recently, I came across a few sources on Ancestry.com and JewishGen that mi=
ght relate to my family's Karl and Berta BINDER but there are some curious =
elements about them that make me wonder if the names and places are just co=

- The first set of documents are JDC index cards for a Berta BINDER, "husba=
nd" Karl BINDER, and "daughter" Regina BINDER traveling from Vienna, Austri=
a to Paraguay in 1948. Berta is listed as being from Czernowitz. I started =
speculating that Berta posed as Karl's wife to expedite the emigration proc=
ess and that the two went to Paraguay before ultimately settling in Israel.=
 However, the birthdates for Berta and Karl do not match up to those of my =
ancestors, and "my" Karl had no children that I am aware of. The cards are =

- I then found someone named Yetti BINDER living in Czernowitz in 1943 in U=
SHMM's Holocaust Records from Romanian Occupation, 1941-1944 (also attached=
), which suggests that Yetti WEIDBERG and Karl were already married at that=

- Finally, I located a grave for a Regina WENDER in Czernowitz cemetery, wh=
ere all but the base is gone. See https://www.jewishgen.org/databases/cemet=

I would like to try to find out if Karl and Berta first moved to Paraguay b=
efore emigrating to Israel and if Regina was one of their daughters. Does a=
nyone have suggestions for how I can solve this mystery?

Thank you for your time,

Jonah Belser
Washington, D.C.

[Welcome Jonah! Sorry but attached documents can not be distributed via th=
e list at this time. But they can be posted and shared via the Phpes blog, =
<http://ehpes.com/blog1/>. Thanks for sharing your story with us and hope=
 you find some assistance with your research here. Bruce Reisch, list owner=
This moderated discussion group is for information exchange on the subject of
 Czernowitz and Sadagora Jewish History and Genealogy. The opinions expressed
 in these posts are the opinions of the original poster only and not necessarily
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