Re: [Cz-L] 1942 - Bl Rioseanu

From: Berti Glaubach <>
Date: Wed, 6 May 2020 11:56:22 +0300
To: jerome schatten <>
Reply-To: Berti Glaubach <>


Hello Leo,
One cannot be sure, but......
I remember just one Boulevard in Cz. It was Regele Carol. Why Rio=C8=99eanu=
Because Carol II in 1942 was persona non grata
in Rumania and Alexandru Rio=C8=99eanu was representing Antonescu in Bucov=
So there is a chance that for a short time
(1942/4) the ex Cuciamarestrasse, ex Bul. Carol had his name. Attached.find
No 26 on an Austrian plan. New parcellation plan on Yandex
shows the same geometrical forms Ulita Geroev Maidanu.
All this is speculative, but try to look up with the names of your
ancestors if they had these ex addresses in birth, marriage,
death lists, telephone. etc.
Or send me the names and will try to find their address.
Best Berti.

On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 8:59 AM jerome schatten <> wrote:

> In today=E2=80=99s mail:
> Dear, I would like your help to locate an address in Czernowitz. I found
> the information that my family lived on Bl Rioseanu 26, in 1942. but I
> can't find this address on any of the maps. Thank you very much!
> Leo Bauer
> =E2=80=94=E2=80=94
> If you have any idea where this is, you could contact Leo at his email
> address above or send it to me and I=E2=80=99ll pass it along.
> Thanks,
> jerome
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