Hello all,
i have been researching my family history for quite a while.
im trying now to search for people whose familiesw were possibility
neighbours or were linked in another way to my family.
im referring to the times of 30's and Holocaust era.
the "dry facts"(sorry for the long list) :
- the surname is written MALEK/MALEC/MALIC/MALIK/MALLECK.
- the other surname is LOB but also possible it was LAUB, LOV.
- both families weren't originally from Cernauti but arrived to the
city +- 1930.
- my great grandfather's name was Lazar/Leizer/Eliezer MALEK (he was
born at 1902 Sighet).
- Lazar MALEK was married (1921) and later on divorced (+-1933) from
Rosalia LOB.
- my great grandmother's name was Rosalia/Herta/Regina/Rezliya Lob
(she was born at 1903 place of birth is unknown to Morit and Hermina).
- the couple had 2 children, Leopold Leibi MALEK(1921) and Hermina
Chaja MALEK(1923).
- Lazar was a shoemaker, Cizmar, possible he had a shop or a factory.
- they used to live in General Prezan 15 (1938).
- they also used to live in Cogalniceanu 7 (1934).
- Leopold was only in elementary school, Hermina Chaja was in the
German/Yiddish school.
- they used to be in Cernauti Ghetto and later in Transnistria
camps(lager) don't know which.
- Hermina was in Moghilew and Bershad camps
* would be glad to hear if anyone of you/your families used to live in
one of those address ..
* anyone has pictures from Cernauti from those years and remember
maybe there was a shoe store/factory in that picture ..
* anyone who heard these surnames and has more info..
* anyway whose family ever mentioned any of these family
members/surnames in their Holocaust story/testimonies
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