Thanks Sasha,
Same to you and all those who are dear to you. Stay safe.
Isaac Karpel
> On Mar 19, 2020, at 2:09 PM, SASHA WOLLOCH <> wrote:
> --00000000000032988505a134cb4d
> Dear List members ,
> This morning I have received this message from Rabbi Menachem Mendel
> Glisnshtain who is the spiritual leader of the Czernowitz Chabad Synagogue
> and community.
> Rav Glisnshtain is also an active member of Czernowitz Jewish Cemetery
> Restoration Organization(CJCRO). Rav Glisnshtain has asked me to share this
> update about the current situation in Czernowitz with all List members.
> "In response to the many questions I am receiving regarding the current
> situation in Czernowitz in light of the Corona virus outbreak:
> Given our proximity to the border with Romania and the high amount of
> traffic arriving from Italy, the decision was taken by the authorities to
> declare a state of emergency. Borders have been closed, all businesses have
> been shut and intercity public transportation ceased.
> Gatherings have been limited to 10 people. At the time of Purim, it was
> still permitted to hold gatherings of up to 200 people. We therefore
> divided our Purim activities and held 4 separate events for 200 people
> each. The elderly and needy were visited by our volunteers and gifted Purim
> food baskets and other treats.
> During these challenging days of lock-down, we are in touch with community
> members quarantined or otherwise confined to their homes and are doing our
> best to supply them with their basic needs, including food deliveries,
> pharmaceuticals and more.
> The official reports claim only 6 infected individuals and 2 deaths,
> similar to the numbers reported in North Korea...
> Facts on the ground however suggest otherwise...
> We are confident, that with Hashem=E2=80=98 help and our positive attitude =
> and joy
> of doing mitzvot and acts of kindness, together with our dedication to the
> Torah and it=E2=80=99s study, that we will surely overcome this challenge a=
> nd
> report only good things from now on."
> I hope you all are staying safe while we are going through these
> interesting times.
> All the best,
> Sasha Wolloch
> President CJCRO
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Received on 2020-03-19 20:02:31