Re: Re: [Cz-L] New Year's Eve Masquerade Ball: 1940

From: Maurice Linker <>
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2020 20:11:56 +1100
To: Fred Weisinger <>, Berti Glaubach <>
Reply-To: Maurice Linker <>


Hi all
I was 10+ and was told that
When the communist travelled in the countryside and saw trees with lemons=
 they claimed that they had factories producing a lot of lemons
Also the nachalniks wife=E2=80=99s used nighties as evenings dresses
[Maurice Linker]

On 16 Mar 2020, 7:32 PM +1100, Berti Glaubach <
>, wrote:
> I was 11+ in winter 1940/1. New Year, of course, was celebrated and sch=
ools were closed. I don't remember any masquerade
> ball, and I can't say that there was not one, but...
> I can offer a theory about how the idea of such a celebration was wrong=
ly interpreted=C2=A0by a younger generation from ironical remarks they he=
ard from their parents.
> The clash between the locals of quasi middle European culture with the =
shortly brought in soviet=C2=A0Nachalnics (bosses) produced a never=C2=A0=
ending series of stories
> about their nouveau rich=C2=A0behaviour. E.g. dismantling in the toilet=
s the chains of the Niagara container and wearing=C2=A0them as necklaces =
or for pocket watch=C2=A0chains.
> Specifically for our myth might be the fact that the red courtain=C2=A0=
of the Jewish theatre (before Scala cinema) disappeared, and a lot of new=
comers' wifes showed up
> in new red robes. This might have been a malicious rumour, but Si non-e=
vero=C2=A0it might have been ben trovato, and the accompanying=C2=A0idea =
of a masquerade ball would
> be its logical connotation.
> Just a thought.
> > On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 2:51 AM =46red Weisinger <fredweisinger16=40g=> wrote:
> > > I do remember the Russian schools celebrated Christmas as Yalka wit=
> > > Russian Dances at the Philarmony on the Mehlplatz, children were gi=
> > > bags of sweets. Balls were not the Russian thing.
> > > =46red. Weisinger
> > >
> > > On Sun, Mar 15, 2020 at 10:39 PM <> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Being only 7+ on 31/12/40 and doing again the first school year (=
as the authorities did not recognize the preceding year at the Meisler sc=
hool), I do not remember this celebration, although I remember
> > > > the parades on 07/11/40 and 01/05/41
> > > > a t the Ringplatz where all schools marched with red flags and pl=
ackards along the podium with military and civilian dignitaries.
> > > > However as far as I know New year balls and festivities (based on=
 lots and lots of alcoholic drinks ) are an important event in Russia
> > > > =5BMordechai=5D
> > >
> > > -snip-
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