There used to be a Bukovina group when Yahoo had it=92s groups--
And I believe there is a group on the Mormon genealogy group that pertains =
to all things Romania,,, I belonged to the group years ago but forget how I=
got to it
Sharon F. Yampell
Voorhees, NJ USA
From: Ilana Grallert<mailto:Ilana.Grallert_at_dartmouth.edu>
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2020 4:35 PM
To: Czernowitz Discussion Group<mailto:Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Subject: [Cz-L] "Caroline Heine" and "Herbert Armin Heine"
Hello Czernowitzer,
I recently found my relative on a list (at Yad Vashem) of Jews of Cernauti =
that married non-Jews. I had suspected something like this all along as her=
name did not pop up on any other lists.
Can someone point me to non-Jewish genealogical resources related to Czerno=
witz and Bukovina?
Thank you.
Ilana Kohn Grallert
Ilana Grallert
Processing Specialist, Rauner Special Collections Library
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Received on 2020-02-21 03:20:51