Hi Rick,
I know that my grandparents Joseph and Feyge Levin were on such a Dead March=
together with their two daughters Dora and Clara. They were deported from C=
zernowitz and all died in Bershad. My father who was then a prisoner at the G=
ulag camps in Siberia, got a letter after the war from his cousin Mordkhe Le=
vin, who has been at that Dead march as well and stayed alive. Also a Czerno=
witzer. He wrote that Dora and Clara were singing march songs, trying to che=
er up the people around.
=D7=A0=D7=A9=D7=9C=D7=97 =D7=9E=D7=94-iPhone =D7=A9=D7=9C=D7=99
=E2=80=AB=D7=91-11 =D7=91=D7=99=D7=A0=D7=95=D7=B3 2020, =D7=91=D7=A9=D7=A2=D7=
=94 16:54, =E2=80=8F=E2=80=8FRick Held =E2=80=8F<rickheld08_at_gmail.com> =D7=9B=
> Hello All
> Some of you may recall that I have been writing a novel, a work of fiction=
, set in Cz during the war years. It is based on my father=E2=80=99s memoir=
s. It will be published this year, by Hachette.
> Over many months now, a small group of you (cc=E2=80=99ed here) has contri=
buted to that process generously - thank you. However, one piece of the puz=
zle still eludes me, and so I am now again reaching out to the entire Cz-L D=
iscussion Group.
> It is to do with the so-called =E2=80=9Cevacuations=E2=80=9D to Transnistr=
ia. =20
> About the trains I by now know. They ran for three days shortly after the=
formation of the ghetto in October 1941, and then again in June and Septemb=
er 1942. This is well documented.
> What I want to know is: Between these two periods were there other evacuat=
ions, smaller perhaps, by means other than the trains?
> Were any Jews in Cz sent on the terrible Death Marches I have read about?
> If asking these questions upsets anyone - please, my most sincere apology.=
But it is vital that my work does not misrepresent the historical facts. T=
hat, I think, would be more upsetting.
> Thanks and best wishes to you all
> Rick
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