Re: [Cz-L] The Transnistia "Evacuations"

From: Maurice Linker <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 06:14:13 +1100
To: Berti Glaubach <>, Rick Held <>
Reply-To: Maurice Linker <>


Hi all
I would like to know more about who in 1941 was authorised to=
 stay in Cz
In my case my grand parents myself my sister and my parents stayed in Cz
Berti you talked about Popovici (not valid)
and Authorised
I be believe that by bribing you would be added to the authorised people=E2=
=80=99s list etc=3F
Also that in 1941 there nightly round up of Jews and taken. To a holding =
area before being loaded on to trains to Transnistria
Is this correct =3F

Can I please get some information [Maurice Linker]

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=46rom: Berti Glaubach <>
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2020 7:28 pm
To: Rick Held
Cc: Czernowitz Genealogy and History; Maurice Linker; Konrad Kwiet; Arthu=
r von Czernowitz; Edgar Hauster
Subject: Re: The Transnistia =22Evacuations=22

=C2=A0No problem at all.
As I wrote to you, there were no massive deportations re trains except in=
 Oct/Nov 1941 and later in July 1942 to Transnistria.
Still, those having Popovici (not valid) authorizations, or those that ob=
tained valid authorizations to stay because of them being necessary
for the war effort, were in a continuous=C2=A0danger of being arrested an=
d sent away for work or to Tr. on an individual basis.
=46ew were sent to Tr. but many of the youth were recruited for labour ca=
mps in Romania proper, the official explanation was that Jews were exempt=
ed from the army
so that at least they might do some good, working in labor camps. But all=
 of those came back after serving time (some 6 months I think).
That might explain the lists your father spoke about. All young=C2=A0 men=
 able to work (age 20 to 30) had to do munc=C4=83 obligatorie. They were =
taken there
and brought back by train. But those were not death trains.
There was no causal chain from the vicinity of the open Ghetto to the rai=
lway station to the deportations or later to forced work. Whoever had to =
came to the station by himself or aided by the police. And that from ever=
ywhere inn town.
Everything in Cz. was known by the Jewish community what was called, lol,=
 the I.P.A. (Idische Plotke Agentur). There was also the I.W.A/ (Iden Wil=
len Azoi).
=46rom mouth to mouth told, sometimes exaggerated news, but always with a=
 grain of truth. The first pessimistic the second optimistic.
I hope this helps.
Best Berti.

Wo Es war, soll Ich sein.
On Sat, Jan 11, 2020 at 4:55 PM Rick Held <> wrote:=
> Hello All
> Some of you may recall that I have been writing a novel, a work of fict=
ion, set in Cz during the war years.=C2=A0 It is based on my father=E2=80=
=99s memoirs.=C2=A0 It will be published this year, by Hachette.
> Over many months now, a small group of you (cc=E2=80=99ed here) has con=
tributed to that process generously - thank you.=C2=A0 However, one piece=
 of the puzzle still eludes me, and so I am now again reaching out to the=
 entire Cz-L Discussion Group.
> It is to do with the so-called =E2=80=9Cevacuations=E2=80=9D to Transni=
> About the trains I by now know.=C2=A0 They ran for three days shortly a=
fter the formation of the ghetto in October 1941, and then again in June =
and September 1942.=C2=A0 This is well documented.
> What I want to know is: Between these two periods were there other evac=
uations, smaller perhaps, by means other than the trains=3F
> Were any Jews in Cz sent on the terrible Death Marches I have read abou=
> If asking these questions upsets anyone - please, my most sincere apolo=
gy.=C2=A0 But it is vital that my work does not misrepresent the historic=
al facts. That, I think, would be more upsetting.
> Thanks and best wishes to you all
> Rick
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