Re: [czernowitz-l] czernowitz-l digest: December 23, 2022

From: Albert Linder <>
Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2022 12:43:19 -0500
To: Peggy <>
Reply-To: Albert Linder <>

My family did the same from Chernowitz to Bershad and our return in 1944 was also on foot but our trip took over 4 months.

> On Dec 23, 2022, at 6:07 PM, Peggy <> wrote:
> Hi Mark
> I can confirm they were indeed cattle cars.
> My mother, her sister, father and mother were forced to travel on one to Transnistria where they stayed for 3 years until they were liberated by the Russians soldiers who told them "we can't believe any of you Jews are still alive". My grandfather did not survive the cap and died from Typhoid. A group of survivors walked back to Romania on foot taking several weeks, staying in farms along the way home.
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