Re: [czernowitz-l] Bugdanstowka on Jezerna

From: Edgar Hauster <>
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2022 16:20:16 +0000
To: 'iosif vaisman' <>, Daniel Dubowy <>
Reply-To: Edgar Hauster <>

Dear Daniel,

Like you, I am overwhelmed - though not surprised - by Iosif's expertise. To make the measure full, I have picked out for you the entries on the Kozowa and Jezierna estates from the book "Schematism and Statistics - Schematismus und Statistik" (by separate mail), which is available in our Czernowitz Book Corner:

And, yes, "Obszar dworski" means as much as estate management. Isn't that great, how the collective competence of our group works? Warmest wishes to you and a Happy New Year!

Edgar Hauster [MacBook]

From: <> on behalf of Daniel Dubowy <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 16:31
To: 'iosif vaisman'
Subject: RE: [czernowitz-l] Bugdanstowka on Jezerna

Wow, Iosif, I am impressed.

I had most information already, but Gedalje’s parents’ names is new information to me.
Gedalje also had four boys, Michael my grandfather being one of them, the other three: Max, Schmul and Moses-Morris. Those three emigrated to the States.
Also, my info per my father says that Gedalje was born in 1847, not in 1842, so I need to correct this in my records.

Thanks a lot, now I have work to do 😉


From: <> On Behalf Of iosif vaisman
Sent: 3-Jan-22 11:04 PM
To: Daniel Dubowy <>
Subject: Re: [czernowitz-l] Bugdanstowka on Jezerna

Hi Daniel,

your great grandfather was born in 1842 to Lazor and Chaje-Sara Dubowy in Ditkowce bei Załoźce. Ditkowce ( is a village 15 km SE of Załoźce (

On July 4, 1894 Gedalje and his wife Jute-Rivka (nee Shapira, b. 1840) registered their marriage ( Since by that time they had several adult children, it is clear that the actual marriage happened a few decades earlier. It is possible that the registration was prompted by the impending marriage of their son Michael (b. 1867) to Ettel Ingwer-Leitner on March 11, 1896 ( Two of Gedalje and Jute-Rivka's daughters, Freide and Salcia, married in 1905 and 1908 respectively. Freide was born in 1884 in Kozova ( and her husband, Josef Auerhan, was from Kozova as well, which means that the Gedalje's family likely lived in Kozova at least in 1880s-1900s (

There are several hundred digitized Dubowy records from the Tarnopol region, so you can likely trace some other connections from them.


On Mon, Jan 3, 2022 at 2:41 PM Daniel Dubowy <<>> wrote:
Hi Czernowitzers, I trust you had a well-deserved holiday break and are all well.

I am going through my father’s genealogical notes. He was born and raised in Czernowitz, but his grandfather was born, lived and died somewhere else in Galitia.
My great grandfather, Gedalje Dubowy, was a land administrator of Kozowa estate, in Dilkowce near Zalowiec. None of these place names can be found nowadays just by google-ing them, but I don’t mind.
He passed away in 1911 at Obszar Dworski Bugdanstowka on Jezerna. Obszar Dworski seems to simply be “township” in Polish, so as you may have guessed, I cannot find/identify Bugdanstowka either. This is something I’d like to find though.

Can anyone help me with hints, advice?




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